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Buying HR Technology? Advice from a Recruiting Company

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We get asked about technology quite a bit from our customers. But, what does recruiting or managed services have to do with buying technology? Quite a lot if you think about the connection today between HR, recruiting and technology.

HR and recruiting technology has grown exponentially over the past few years, from fully-integrated Human Resource Management (HRM) systems to pieces and parts of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems or Customer Relationship Management (CRM) platforms. There are also cloud solutions and even relevant functionality in job boards and social media platforms. It’s literally everywhere.

For contingent labor, technology can be part of a contingent labor management program, typically run by a Managed Staffing Provider (MSP). In these engagements, a vendor management system (VMS) can be used as the technology component for tracking, reporting and ease of use. It’s also a component in Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) where an Applicant Tracking System (ATS) could be used.

Our whitepaper, “Why Your Supplier's Technology Matters,” is a quick read for both procurement and HR on why it’s critical to really think about the technology a staffing supplier brings to an engagement. And, as you think about buying the technology, here are a few pieces of advice.


The Role of Technology in Recruiting 

Technology is many times the third leg in the stool when it comes to a contingent labor management program or an RPO engagement. There are many different ways technology can be integrated into the program, but, in almost all cases, technology is included in some way. However, technology must be part of a solid process and must include significant human interaction.

In short, technology, the very thing that is usually thought of as a connection, can end up being the disconnect in the relationship. If the role of technology in the recruiting process is not well understood and integrated into the program, it can start a round of the ‘blame-game’. As a result, it becomes ineffective for everyone: the client, the provider, and the candidate.


Tips to Purchase HR or Recruiting Technology 

Technology needs to be part of the conversation early on. As noted in the whitepaper, there needs to be input and engagement with the client’s IT department to ensure nothing is missed – whether it be technical aspects or even non-technical aspects such as who is responsible for training or support.

Even when technology is procured, owned and maintained by the client company, there are still many aspects that need to be defined to ensure it contributes to the success of a managed services engagement. Start the conversation around technology as early as possible if your company is thinking about any managed program for contingent labor or an RPO program.


Technology can boost efficiency and even save money, but it needs to be connected to an overall program that includes good process and human interaction. Taking the time to evaluate how technology will be used is an important part of any HR, recruiting or managed services program.


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