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The Top Staffing & Recruiting Blogs of 2015

HiRes-709473-edited.jpgLike many of you, I too share in the sentiment that 2015 came and went too soon. As the individual responsible for keeping the lights of this blog on, I wanted to say thanks for sticking around. I’ll be honest; we’ve had some good times, and some not so great ones. But through it all, we’ve learned a lot, and I want to thank you for helping us to shape it along the way. 

Now it might seem a little self-serving to go through and talk about what we did really well this year, but that's OK, because I have the power to do just that (well, technically I have the power to suggest it, have it approved and then post it). Seriously speaking for a moment, managing a project where the goal is to elicit an emotional response of which you have virtually zero control over can be a bit scary. But like taking on any new and unfamiliar task, the risk is worth the reward regardless of how many missteps you take along the way. 

On behalf of all of the individuals that made my 2015 so fruitful, particularly the subject matter experts, guest bloggers and internal staff members who contributed to the blog, I’d like to raise my hat to you! Without your insights and knowledge, this blog would have served as my personal memoir detailing my last employable year.

Instead, what we got was a year's worth of informative, provocative and educational information surrounding the staffing and recruiting industries. I know what you're thinking, at last, my prayers have been answered. So, you're welcome, but in case we missed something along the way, please tell us by taking this brief survey. Otherwise, may you have a happy, healthy and plentiful New Year! 


Top ViewED Blogs of 2015


For Managers/Employees

Blog: How to Manage the Difficult Traits of Talented Employees

I remember when Tracy Tappened reached out and shared this blog with us. I was intrigued by the perspective she brought as a Course Director for Spearhead Training, a UK-based training facility. I reflected a lot after reading this blog; she's really talking about managing me, right? But more importantly, it triggered a real appreciation and understanding of what it means to manage and motivate a team, and personally speaking, it seems like hard work! 


For HR & Executive Leadership

Blog: Top 3 Challenges HR Leadership Will Face Through 2020

I know what you’re thinking, for those of you paying attention, yes, I wrote this blog. But you all read it (a lot of you actually). Therefore, it makes the list. I developed this blog with the HR professional in mind, but quickly realized it spanned executive leadership as well. And, I think that's why it resonated with such a large audience.

The information highlighted in this piece validated the many concerns we’ve heard voiced throughout the duration of 2015. Regardless of where you stood on the pendulum, over the past few years recruiting needs had been both continuous and unpredictable. At the same time, constrained HR teams were expected to focus on employee engagement, professional development and employment branding; leading many staffers to simply throw their hands up, and say enough is enough. 


For Candidates

Blog: 10 Prep Questions to Help You Nail the Interview

Personally, I’ve always felt like UK fashion has been ahead of the US, but now I’m going to have to add blog content to that list. This piece was submitted by a UK recruitment company, and highlights the top ten questions to help nervous, out-of-the-game or just passive candidates prepare for a job interview. My big takeaway, not being able to answer clearly and concisely why you should walk away with that job right then and there is interview suicide.


Top Watched Webinar 

RPO for the CXO: Bulding a Business Case

Yoh provides Recruitment Process Outsourcing services for a variety of industries. Better known by its abbreviated name, RPO its seen as a complex but highly effective way to better source, recruit, hire, and manage employees with greater speed and efficiencies. The complicated part of that equation has to due with the fact that every RPO program differs to best serve the unique needs of the organization.

In this pre-recorded webinar, we flipped the script. We spoke to an existing RPO client to understand how they were able to identify their need for RPO services and how to develop a comprehensive business case to sell RPO to the people that matter most: the executive team. 


Top Downloaded Study 

HRO Today Employee Well-Being Study 

In the beginning of the final quarter of 2014, we received the first results from our official study with HRO Today Magazine. The purpose of the study was to follow a focus group of full-time employees over the course of the year and essentially, follow something not ever historically tracked: their emotional connection to their company and their job.

Now in its fourth installment, people seemed to be intrigued to learn which of their employee groups, by age and demographic, are most likely to stick it out over the long haul, and which have a higher tendency to abandon ship.  

More telling, is the striking correlation between consumer indexes and job security metrics. So the real question is: during periods of uncertain economic times, how can organizations, particularly HR, encourage its employees to not only trust in the organization, but engage them in a meaningful way? To answer that question, you’ll just have to read the study.

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