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The Top 3 HR Leadership Challenges Revealed

If retaining and rewarding the talent is an area of weakness within your organization, then it can feel like you are hanging on by a thread; worried about whether your star employee will be here today and gone tomorrow. 

A survey from the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) set out to identify the top challenges HR executives will face up until the year 2022. To summarize, three main challenges were revealed.  


Challenge 1: Develop the next generation of corporate leaders 

Retaining and rewarding the best employees was the top challenge reported by HR executives. Furthermore, HR professionals indicated that investments in talent acquisition will be a top priority in the years to come.   


Challenge 2: Create a corporate culture that attracts the best employees

With regards to attracting, retaining and rewarding employees, there are four main drivers that HR executives are continuing to access and evaluate. These include: flexible work arrangements, improved company culture, open communication and providing employees with opportunities for career advancement. 


Challenge 3: Break down cultural barriers that make it difficult to create a truly global company

Last, the majority of HR professionals anticipate a significant increase in the size and scale of their future workforce.  

To download the full report, visit


How to Improve the Talent Acquisition Cycle 

Depending on the composition of your organization, talent acquisition may reside in or out of the HR department. Increasingly, organizations are allocating dedicated resources to address many of the real concerns list above. 

One talent acquisition strategy often used to attract and retain talent is Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO). Historically, RPO providers would absolve the entire recruiting process from end-to-end. However, modern RPO programs address specific needs, such as dedicated sourcing services, specialty/niche recruiting, etc.

Words like “eliminate”, “overhaul” and “reorg” have been replaced with "brand extension", "uniformity" and "on-site recruiters". The program goal is to create continuous communication, transparency and trust between in-house HR teams and the third-party RPO provider. This way, busy HR and talent acquisition teams can focus on problem areas, like retention while the RPO recruiters are completing assigned tasks. 

The more you explore outsourced recruiting services for direct hire placement, the more you will see how RPO recruiters become apart of your organization's existing talent acquisition efforts. 

RPO Definition Cost Models & Goals

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