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The Evolution of Recruiting: Why the Fairytale Has Come to an End

crystal-ball-Yoh-blog.jpgThe recruiting industry is currently undergoing a serious transformation. The fairytale has come to an end for some organizations, while other companies are flourishing when it comes to securing top talent. Discover what innovations companies are undertaking to reinvent its talent acquisition strategy (and why it’s working!).

As we round out the halfway point of the year, a number of recruiting trends have continued to remain true. Employment branding is still a vital, but often overlooked, component of talent acquisition. There’s a continued emphasis on improving the candidate experience, particularly as it relates to automated HR processes. And, talent leaders are leveraging talent analytics now more than ever to fine tune and drive recruiting results.  

The Evolution of Recruiting 

Relying on the 'post and pray' methodology for candidate sourcing is about as sane as waiting for a fairy godmother to whisk you off to a new life where wealth and love are eagerly awaiting your arrival. So, while all of the above sounds great on paper, how do you apply them to your organization?

The reality is, candidates and job seekers are behind the evolution of the recruiting process as we once knew it. In this webinar, we addressed how a number of organizations are leaning on Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) to offload projects (and pressure) from internal HR and recruiting teams as a result of this shift. Take, for example, the number of new job seeker habits. 

"Candidates are using sixteen different resources to research a company before they even submit an application" -- Career Builder

According to CareerBuilder, 76 percent of full-time, employed workers are either actively looking for a job or (passively) open to new opportunities. Moreover, candidates are using sixteen different resources to research a company before they even consider submitting an application! This unbalanced yin and yang of people ready to jump ship versus those who are willing to work at your organization is leaving nearly 48 percent of employers with on-going open vacancies.

The New Recruiter Job Description

What does this mean for you and your internal recruiters? Like that mirror on the wall, it’s time to see who the best recruiter of them all really is. The curtain has been lifted. Recruiters and talent leaders can no longer hide behind gut feelings or dated solutions as this new wave of technology ushers in an era of transparency.

Take one area of recruiting: metrics. In an internal study conducted by Yoh, we found that nearly all of the corporate and RPO recruiters surveyed placed metrics as the last step in the prioritization of recruiting tasks. Below are some of the top recruiting metrics that Yoh’s RPO recruiting teams regularly monitor, track, and report on. As the practice of efficient recruiting become more commonplace, so will the emphasis on talent metrics and analysis.


Taken from the webinar: Is RPO The Right Talent Acquisition Strategy for You? 

Combine a lack of metrics with one or more of the following: a weak employment brand strategy, poorly written or misleading job descriptions, dated or lengthy hiring processes, and it’s no wonder positions continue to remain unfilled month-over-month, quarter-after-quarter.  

Talent acquisition teams can no longer rely on the same old tricks to fill talent pipelines. As the talent acquisition leader of your organization, it’s vital to leverage the latest advancements in HR technologies and analytics in order to re-invent a more sales and marketing-inspired recruiting strategy. Set a new standard for your recruiters; such as placing an emphasis on social media recruiting, reporting and metrics, or consistency (in terms of process and branding).

The most successful recruiters will be those who not only adapt with the technologies, but keep one ear to the ground. Part sales person, part marketing, part sourcer – it takes a well-balanced mix of skills (not magic) to make it as a future recruiter. 


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