
Unexpected Mobile App Development Costs You Should Be Aware Of

Using Applications to ConnectWith every latest trend in mobile app development, you always have a new cost component adding to your budget. As we see an increasing number of companies are starting with their mobile app development, the cost considerations are getting more focus than ever before.

Businesses that start with mobile app projects for the first time often mistake not assessing the actual cost of developing a mobile app. Many companies think that the app development cost mainly depends on the cost of hiring developers. But several less obvious or underlying factors equally play a significant role in increasing the cost of app development.

Here we are going to explain some of these hidden or unexpected app development costs.

App development cost for multiple platforms

Any company building mobile apps for the first time is likely to be startled by the complexity and challenges. They often consider it a web-like interface that works across all platforms. In reality, even a cross-platform app needs to be optimized for separate platforms. Without preparing for cross-platform development, you can only end up paying more for native development. When you hire remote developers to cut down development costs, you can make extra efforts to make platform-specific cost assessments.

In this respect, it is wise to understand that mobile app development is never that cheap, like web development. Since it needs parallel development efforts for multiple devices, it is always more challenging and more expensive. Since hybrid apps that can be built once and run on all platforms are already unpopular because of compromising user experience, you need to assess the cross-
platform native development profoundly.

Cloud storage cost

It comes as another expense that many businesses forget to take into account. When an app needs storing and processing data, considering the cost of data storage is obvious. As the app scales up in volume of users and usage, the fees for cloud storage continues to increase as well.

On the other hand, it is not the only cost component you are going to face just because cloud storage solution providers ask to pay their clients separately for different types of data manipulation.

software licensing cost

An app project also needs to pay for the licensing of the SDKs and various libraries. Most of them come as free and open-source, but there are also several such SDKs and libraries that charge a premium for advanced functionalities. So, if you need to deliver custom features and advanced user experience by using these libraries, you may need to bear the additional cost.

For example, when your app needs a flexible search function to help users find anything by spelling the name or location, you may find it easy to develop by using a library used for this function. If the library for a fully-fledged feature charges a premium, the cost is added to the budget. The software license cost is a cost component you cannot compromise with because of the features and functionality.

You can get a deeper analysis from professionals regarding the advantages and shortcomings of using various third-party libraries in an app project. Through a deeper and meticulous analysis, the development team can ensure achieving the desired result by paying a little or minimum. You can consider comparing the paid versions of popular libraries and get an overview of the approximate expenses. Paid libraries and SDKs continue to remain as a key area to add to the budget of an app project. To get rid of this, try to use the best free libraries and SDKs offering similar features.

administrative costs

The administrative cost incurred by the services that allow you constant and continuous data access for faster app updates and user management is key to adding cost to an app budget. The administrative cost for such services is often unpredictable and entirely depends on the kind of mobile app undergoing development.

Such administrative costs continue to add up, and the company needs to bear them regularly. Some of the most common examples of administrative expenses include the following.

  • Content management
  • Emulators for dashboard
  • Managing functional services
  • Real-time and dynamic updates
  • Data analytics and event reporting
  • Access controls
  • Data categorization and segmentation

maintenance cost

Any app project, whether it is an app for web or mobile, requires frequent updates, continuous maintenance, and continued technical assistance to ensure glitch-free and smooth app performance. In case the engaged app development company does not provide maintenance services, you need to bear the expenses for maintenance and updates.

Quality app developers with experience and exposure always stay tuned to the latest updates of iOS and Android operating platforms. They ensure that cooperation on behalf of the development company should continue after the app is launched in the market. This is why it is advisable to discuss the cost of app maintenance and future updates before engaging a development company in the project.

As a company, if you fall into the misconception that mobile app development is a one-off project, you can end up bearing the cost of maintenance and updates continuously over and above the development cost. An app needs continuous fixing of things such as bugs and errors, security glitches, operating system requirements, etc. Naturally, one of the most significant cost factors rests on constant application maintenance.

This cost factor remains common to all platforms and app types. But app updates are especially crucial for native apps. Native mobile apps need constant updates to stay tuned to the latest operating system and devices for ensuring compatibility.


Developers have experienced all these cost factors and components that we have explained above across a multitude of app projects. You can avoid these unexpected and unobvious cost factors by simply making an in-depth cost assessment.

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About the Author: Ciaran Stone is CEO of Square Root Solutions - App Development Company Offering a Wide Range of Software Development Services Include IoT Development, Mobile Game Development, Blockchain Development, Android, iOS, AR/VR App Development in Galway, Dublin, Kilkenny, and Cork. Years of Experience In the IT Industry and Passion For Tech Motivates Him To Build Robust Innovative Mobile App Solutions For Businesses.

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