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The Pros And Cons Of Being A Freelance Writer

Pretty young lady taking a decision with scale above her headThe advent of the internet has brought with it many new job opportunities with online freelancing jobs being one type. More people are shifting from traditional nine to five jobs in exchange for more freedom and job satisfaction; elusive characteristics in most office jobs.

It is expected that by 2020, 50% of the American workforce will be of the freelance genre. However, there are some drawbacks to this profession, i.e. non-permanent income. Here are the pros and cons of working from home as a freelance writer, specifically.


Pros of freelancing

Various freelance writing jobs are available from various professional college essay writing service or from other freelancer work sites like creative writing, dissertation work, research paper writing, business plan writing, college papers, etc. The pros of opting for these freelancing works are:


Improving your knowledge

The work of a freelancer requires some knowledge of the subject and for this; they need to do some research. Conducting research will definitely improve your knowledge. Every time you are writing a new topic or taking up a different kind of writing job you are challenging yourself. You may need to write about the latest developments in technology and may have to include the latest news and global developments in your work. This will require gaining latest knowledge which will help you to grow as a person.


IMPROVING YOUR creativity and skill

A freelance writer needs to write about different topics or about the same topics in different ways. Every work should be different from one another, and this will improve your language adoption skills. You may have to design each and every essay or article in the most appealing and convincing way, and this will improve your creativity and writing skill. High quality and fast work will fetch you more money in freelance writing.


Work to your Schedule

People opt to become a freelancer as they will be able to work according to their schedule. Many homemakers opt for this job as they will be able to balance the household work along with part-time freelancing. You can schedule your working hours according to your convenience. You will be available to spend time with your family, and at the same time, you will be earning money. The only thing to remember is to complete the work within the provided time.


work even when you travel

You don't need to restrict your traveling just because of your work when you are a freelance writer. You can work from anywhere and at any time to complete your work. You don't need to travel to your office to complete your work or postpone your trip with your loved ones just for completing the work. You can carry your laptop, and you can work during your free time, even when you are on a trip.


Earn According to work

Most traditional jobs require working extra time in the office, and you may not financially benefit from these extra hours of work. Most freelance salary is based on the hours you work or according to the word count. This means you will be able to get money for the work you do. If you want to make more money, just increase your output.


work with multiple clients

As a freelance writer, you will be able to work for different freelance platforms or clients, and this will give you the chance to interact with different clients and different type of work. You will not feel the boredom of doing a similar type of work when you have multiple clients. Most of the students and businesses and essay writing sites try to find freelancers for their writing work and, hence, there will be no difficulty in finding the work once you have enough experience. 


Cons of freelancing

Although there are numerous advantages of being a freelance writer, there are a few cons that come with all the good. Here are the cons of being a freelance writer:


Non-Permanent income

The major complaint about a job freelance writing is that you may not have a fixed amount coming to your account every month. Your income will depend on the work you will be able to secure from the freelance platform or other clients. The payment schedule of different clients will be different, and you may have to wait for the payments after completing the work. The best way to overcome this problem is to opt for reliable websites offering monthly payments.


you may not enjoy a real vacation

Though freelance work offers more personal time, you may become addicted to your computer even when you are supposed to enjoy time with your family. Vacation days may turn into working time if you do not know how to separate personal life and work.


Difficult Clients 

You may find some clients who are extremely difficult to manage. They may fail in giving the right instructions and information for completing the job or may be inaccessible to clear any doubts. This can be frustrating and will result in wasting your time.



About the Author: Susan Wallace is highly experienced in the field of freelancing and offers custom writing service to various clients through sites like Eduzaurus. She likes to share her experience through her articles.

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