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How To Create A Professional Freelance Resume

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While many people are still employed by companies and work in physical locations, there are a growing number of freelance workers out there. In fact, there are tens of millions of Americans working as freelancers, and this number is only expected to rise.

However, just like with other jobs, there is a lot of competition for most freelance jobs. While these people might not be competing for employment directly, they are still looking to stand out above the crowd of others looking for contract work. As a result, they still need to put time and effort into building a high-quality resume.

Sure, you can try ResumeBuild and other tools to help you craft a great resume, but what are some steps and tips to help you create a great professional freelance resume in particular?

In an effort to help, this blog post is going to look at a few ways to help you create a professional freelance resume.


how to create your professional freelance resume 


Be Specific, Not General

When it comes to all resumes, it is a good idea to be specific rather than general. If you simply send out the same old freelance resume to every potential employer, you won’t hear back that often. However, if you customize your resume for each employer, including the gigs you list, the links you send and the skills you highlight, you can achieve much better results.

Also, be specific regarding the information in the resume. Instead of saying you are good with time management, say that you were able to manage X amount of projects successfully over X amount of time. Companies hiring freelancers are often doing it for a specific project, so they want to know you have what it takes to complete or assist with the project, and a general resume just won’t do the trick in most cases.


Use Keywords in Your Resume

SEO (search engine optimization) is always important when you are online. Because most resumes are sent and received online, you need to include certain keywords. Many hiring managers are looking for certain words in your resume to see how you match up with the job opening.

Also, many hiring companies will use some form of ATS (applicant tracking system) to manage and vet all resumes. If you don’t optimize your resume with keywords, it is unlikely it will pass through the systems. If you’re not sure which keywords to use, looking at the job description itself and the keywords the company used, there can often provide some assistance.


A Skill-Based Resume Might be Right For You

There are various different types of resumes that you can have. Some will look at your employment in a chronological manner and others will look deeply at your education or certification. However, arguably the best choice for freelancers is a skill-based resume. Because freelancers often work many different gigs, some of which may not last that long, writing a traditional employment history-focused resume isn’t always easy and can be tough to follow.

Instead, consider a resume focused on your skills. This type of resume relies on the skills of the applicant more than the work history. Of course, be sure to be detailed, list them off and give examples of how that skill has helped you on a project. Be willing to provide a brief history of your gigs if need be.


In conclusion, hopefully these tips have been able to help you build and create a professional and high-quality freelance resume that will attract the best employers.


About the Author: Outreach manager Wendy Dessler is a super-connector who helps businesses find their audience online through outreach, partnerships, and networking. She frequently writes about the latest advancements in digital marketing and focuses her efforts on developing customized blogger outreach plans depending on the industry and competition.

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