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Redundancy as a Great Opportunity to Re-Evaluate Career Direction

startup business, software developer working on computer at modern officeRemember, it is the position that is redundant, not you!

"How could they treat me like that when I have given them so much? Why me - wasn't I doing a good job? They can't do this to people - they must have been able to do something to keep us! What am I going to do - I have a mortgage to pay?!"

Scary, but how many of us will be having these thoughts over the coming months as the credit crunch bites ever harder and redundancies become increasingly common?

Redundancy as a Great Opportunity to Re-Evaluate and Change Career Direction


What If You Are Made Redundant?

Suppose you are one of the unlucky ones to be made redundant. In that case, you are likely to experience a range of natural emotions through shock, denial, hurt, and anger before finally being able to accept the situation and move on. Some of you may find it hard to talk about your feelings, and some will take longer than others to come out of the tunnel. It is often forgotten that co-workers who survive the redundancies may suffer too, experiencing feelings of relief, guilt, anger, or insecurity. They will be the ones who have to pick up the duties of those who leave, and restructuring can create change which many will find threatening. They will have to go on with that sword of Damocles hovering over their heads!

Some companies will provide trained redundancy counselors to help you work through your feelings. Talking with a partner, relative, friend, or close colleague can help too - keep an eye out and try to be there for that person who needs you. You must channel your feelings and emotions into moving forward rather than looking back with regret.



Rather than seeing the situation as a disaster, why not consider it an excellent opportunity to re-evaluate, especially if you are leaving with a lump sum as a financial cushion! Some out-placement consultants will be keen to point you in the direction of similar jobs, but why not think outside the box and look at where else your skills and experience could be transferable? Then again, this could be the ideal time to retrain, start your own business, move to the country, or take that career break and travel the world! This could be the push you need to follow your dreams and make a real career change.


Take Control

Try and stay positive and motivated, and take control rather than bury your head in the sand! What are your main concerns? What action can and needs to be taken? Write a list and prioritize:

  • Write a CV - a compelling self-marketing document always makes you feel more positive and reminds you of all the skills and expertise you have to offer.
  • Take counsel and investigate alternative job or indeed career opportunities and prospects (recruitment and career consultants).
  • Practice interview techniques.
  • Actively network (most jobs are found through who you know, not what you know).
  • Talk to your mortgage lender and credit card companies to ascertain options.
  • Make a list of positive thoughts, and re-read them whenever negativity sets in!

Stay Positive

When you start to focus on the negative, try the following techniques to help you see things more positively and reduce pressure.

  • Describe the situation about which you feel negative. Check the facts. What is real, and what imagined? Pressure stems from your expectation of the consequences. This is imagination, not reality. 90 % of the time, the acronym FEAR (False Evidence Appearing Real) applies. It is the position, not you, which is redundant. Everyone knows we are in a recession, and this is not personal. You are not unemployable!
  • Turn the situation inside out. There is more than one way to look at a situation. How could it be viewed positively? Positive perspectives reduce pressure. This is an excellent opportunity to change or progress!
  • Mix with positive people. Attitudes are catching. Positive people reduce pressure. Phone the most positive person you know for a chat!
  • It could be worse. Thinking of how things could be worse can make things seem less bad. Imagining yourself as a bag lady on a park bench will seem so absurd it will not only make you laugh but also make you realize that it could be worse!
  • Talk positive. Don't harp on about the hardships, as this will exacerbate stress. Positive talk reduces pressure. You are going to get that dream job!
  • Laugh. Focus on the funny side of the situation, and do not take things too seriously. Laugh in the face of adversity will make you feel better! And anyway, at least you won't have to suffer your boss's halitosis any longer!



About the author: Erica R. Gibson is a technological writer at the service where everyone can ask to write an essay for me. She is highly interested in keeping up with advancing technologies. In this case, she spends her spare time reading various blogs to obtain new knowledge and improve her professional skills.


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