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Are Java Developers Still Dominating the Industry’s Top Talent?

Thoughtful young programmer coding on computer in the evening at home-1The competition between software technologies is intense. Despite its popularity with software developers, Java lost a little ground to JavaScript in 2019. Could the same happen in 2020?

They’re both programming languages, but they have nothing in common aside from their name. They are still aggressively compared in terms of their popularity within various platforms. Java is a compiled language created by Sun Microsystems in 1996. Whereas JavaScript was created by Brendan Eich while working at Netscape around the same time to increase interaction in webpages.

The competition between the two programming languages has persisted for years. Elite software engineers never considered this comparison serious and referred to it as a marketing technique by the younger language. If we look back on the development landscape five years ago, Java being a very powerful language had a significant upper hand whereas the latter was a lightweight language created in merely ten days. JavaScript started to gain attention when top talent realized its potential. Top software developers realized that by creating an interactive web application it can be used to turn web browsers into application platforms.


Java Developers Already Had A Place in the Industry

JavaScript was initially introduced as a front-end language. Its main purpose was to make websites interact with users by providing features such as forms and event handling. In some time, it became the programming language of choice for the industry’s elite talent working on frontend development. As it started gaining users, the creators kept introducing new features which ultimately matured the language and made it usable for other functions as well.


Frontend and Backend Development Get One Language

Java was not the first backend programming language. It was one of many. Developers had to learn a totally different language if they also wanted to work in backend development, it was a norm back then. IT recruitment for backend developers was done based on this fact. Everything changed when elite software engineers created Node JS.

Node.JS is a runtime environment for backend development. It allowed experienced developers to easily shift to backend development as well due to which, it was widely accepted by the developers. Eventually it became popular with even the top talent of the technology industry.

Companies like Facebook and Google started using it. Netflix previously used Java for its backend and JavaScript for its front-end, which forced developers to work in two different programming languages. Elite software engineers at Netflix realized using Node.js would not just speed up their work but would also save on resources so they replaced Java with Node.js for backend development. Now, JavaScript emerged as an ‘all-in-one-programming-language’. Around the same time, the term “Full Stack Developer” was introduced by IT recruiters. Initially considered too far-fetched to become reality, thanks to Node.JS, Full Stack Development finally became possible in the software industry.

New Features

Java offers various APIs that are primarily use for application development. Java APIs can perform many activities that initially could not be done using JS. To provide this functionality, developers introduced JS libraries such as AngularJS and ReactJS. These libraries were used to develop complex web applications using JS.


Tech Experts Enjoy Reusability

Elite software engineers always aim to deliver more work within less time. Here Java fades slightly from the spotlight, as several JavaScript libraries can be easily re-used, saving a lot of time and effort for developers. Developers can also build native IOS and Android apps from a single code written entirely in JS.

This was an attractive incentive for developers interested in building applications for both dominating mobile Operating Systems using the same code. Despite its large global community, Java cannot boast of similar support.



JS is a ‘lightweight’ programming language, and very efficient in terms of resource consumption. It requires significantly fewer resources compared to Java which also reduces the load on the backend, making it faster.


Easier to Learn

JS is an object-based scripting language. It is relatively easier to learn and understand than other languages. It has a much smaller and simpler set of programming constructs than Java. Developers have the option to start with basic frontend development or to transition towards backend or even to become a full stack developer. Such a flexible learning curve is not offered by Java.


Technology Industry—Expanding Opportunities

As of today, software developers continue to create hundreds of libraries and frameworks so that JS may be used in their respective domains, such as animation, virtual reality, gaming and even machine learning. It has built a loyal community of developers who are interested in trying out new things but do not want to invest a lot of time learning new languages from scratch. Upcoming frameworks such as Cyclon.js may soon be used to work on IoT or maybe even robotics.


Ready to Hire Java Developers?

IT recruiting is set to experience some exciting heights as talent advocates explore the full potential of JavaScript developers for hire. The versatility, continuous growth and ease of this language makes it the language of choice for companies seeking the best in technology, especially those with projects requiring onsite development. With exciting new developments announced in the JEP, such as microservices, 2020 is all set to be a great year for software developers!



Five to ten years ago, new developers would learn JS primarily for its simplicity. Today, it is a preferred programming language, and IT recruiters are keen to have their software engineering jobs benefit fully from the rich features of JS. A strong command over JS is considered a plus when assessing technology talent. According to some predictions, its React Framework will continue to make great strides even as Java developers continue to break new ground.


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Author Bio - Nayyara Rahman is a management and technology professional with a focus on digital services. Her work in integrating marketing and technology is aimed at making organizations more efficient, accountable and transparent. She is also an award-winning author and researcher whose contribution has been acknowledged on several prestigious international forums.

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