Even if a superstar employee is happy with their compensation and excited about the work they are doing, one thing can lead them to still want to leave their jobs... their manager.
As a matter of fact, according to a survey recently done by The Harris Poll on behalf of Yoh, 53% of employees feel that a lack of respect from their managers for them and their peers would lead them to head to greener pastures. This is regardless of current compensation, benefits, workplace location, or office perks. Thus, having a poor manager could lead many employed Americans to explore other career options.
"In today’s highly-competitive workforce climate, it’s more important than ever that companies ensure their employees are satisfied with management and their jobs, before it’s too late. With social media and various online review sites available to prospective employees, bad behavior of managers is likely to get out – and quickly,” said Emmett McGrath, President of Yoh.
Here are some more insights from this survey of 1,000+ employed Americans done by The Harris Poll/Yoh:
Additional findings:
In several instances, according to the survey, older workers, employed college graduates, and employed women are less likely to put up with a poor manager and stick with their current job compared to younger workers, employees with a high school degree or less, and employed men.
Employed women are more likely than employed men to say they would consider other jobs if management shows a lack of respect for employees in lesser positions (59% vs. 48%), if they take credit for their work (46% vs. 38%). and if their manager gossips about other employees (44% vs. 34%) and is ineffective at helping them develop their skills (27% vs. 20%).
Employed parents of children under 18 are less likely to consider a job change when it comes to various poor manager traits compared to those who don’t have children under 18. They are also less likely to consider a new job if their manager either breaks promises (40% vs. 50%) or has unrealistic expectations (36% vs. 46%).
College Degree
Employees with a college degree or higher are more likely than those with a high school degree or less to consider other job offers if their manager is overly critical (43% vs. 26%) or micromanages (41% vs. 18%).
Employees aged 55+ are more likely than those aged 18-34 to consider other job offers if their manager is overly critical (51% vs. 27%) or micromanages (43% vs. 29%).
If you do not have leaders in place who are positive, fair, and help nurture their direct reports on their career path, you will see valuable employees leave more and more. So, how can you make sure that doesn't happens? Select the right people, coach them, and then teach them to be coaches. If you start developing them early, they will be able to effectively lead and therefore, prevent further employee turnover in the long run.
If you would like more information regarding this survey, you can read the entire press release here.