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Removing Geographic Boundaries in Employment: Survey Indicates Many Americans Would Consider Some Form Of Remote Work

GettyImages-535632559Spurred by the remote working environments brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, American employees may now be showing a greater interest in flexible work opportunities, even if a company is based outside of their geographic regions.

According to a survey of nearly 1,000 employed (full-time or part-time) Americans conducted online by The Harris Poll on behalf of Yoh, a quarter of employed Americans (25%) shared that if they were to consider a job in the next few months, they would consider a job outside of their geographical location if a remote opportunity presented itself. Further, 40% of employed Americans reported that if they were looking for a job in the next few months, they would only consider work that was at least part time out of the traditional office, with 24% only considering hybrid work and 16% only considering hybrid work.


These are the findings collected from the Yoh/Harris Poll.







Those in higher income households more likely to consider remote opportunities outside geographical area. Employees with an annual household income of $75K-$99K and $100K+ are more likely than those with an annual HHI of less than $50K to say they would consider remote work outside of their geographical region, if they were to consider a new job in the next few months (31% and 27% vs. 17%).

Those in lower income households are more likely to consider in-person jobs. 21% of employed Americans with annual household incomes of less than $50K said that they would only consider strictly in-person job opportunities if they were considering a new job in the next few months, compared to only 8% of those with an HHI of $75K-$99.9K and 11% of those with an HHI of $100K+.

Married Americans more likely to be interested in hybrid work environments. 31% of employed, married Americans said that they would only consider hybrid (combination of in-person and remote work) job opportunities if they were to consider a new job in the next few months, compared to only 16% of unmarried employed Americans.



“The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way Americans work and, in turn, the workforce has become more open to, and could actually prefer, working remotely or on a hybrid basis. As indicated by the survey, it’s clear that companies looking to fill positions no longer need to limit candidate pools by location as some Americans are interested in remote work,” said Emmett McGrath, President of Yoh. “With this flexible workforce, employers can truly prioritize finding highly skilled candidates who are the best fit for the role and the company. Companies have an opportunity to expand their talent pools, however, it’s still a challenge to put the right processes in place to find, recruit and place them into their organization.”

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