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Shattering Myths About Finding Unicorns: Tips From Interactive Gaming Recruiters

UnicornSearching online for gaming jobs? Learn how gaming recruiters will take your job search and turn into a lifetime career in the gaming space.

When working with a recruiter would you rather be a jack of all trades or a master of one? Ok, maybe that’s not quite how the colloquialism goes, but the point is that while any good recruiter will possess a strong core set of skills, the one who specializes working with talent in a particular industry or niche area will likely have an advantage in facilitating strong career matches.

When you think about it, at Yoh, we work in the most unique industry in the world; the people business! No two people are alike and similarly the industries and companies for whom we serve possess their own individual nuances. To love and thrive in this business you need to have a keen interest in truly understanding the particular needs of an industry, company and hiring manager and then being able to equally appreciate the skill sets and career aspirations of each candidate to facilitate a strong match.

Yoh’s Interactive Media team is a great example of one of our specialized teams that focuses on recruiting in a niche area so that they can become experts in the needs of their clients, aspirations and skill sets of its candidates, and bring the two together in this exciting industry. Our Interactive team is passionate about what they do and possess a wealth of knowledge when it comes to what’s happening within the industry, how gaming talent can “up the ante” on their job seeking efforts and more! Given this expertise, we took the time to pick their brains so we could share their thoughts with you!

Here’s what our Interactive Recruiters had to say about their sphere of the recruiting world:

Shattering the Myths About Recruiters and Interactive Talent:

Candidates sometimes are wary of working with recruiters because they don’t understand the value and ways in which recruiters can augment the job seeking process. Interactive Recruiter Trudi has this to say about this common misperception: “We are extremely familiar with the Interactive space; our jobs are not matching buzzwords in resumes to jobs.” Colleague Mike adds that “roles tend to be extremely specialized and esoteric, so matching candidates to positions, projects and teams involve much more than just qualifying skills and experiences.” With gaming subject matter expertise on the team, not only can our recruiters navigate the particular interactive employment landscape, but they are looking out for each candidate’s best interest and can facilitate the most optimal salaries…not too shabby!

Interactive Talent Is Like Finding Unicorns – How Can Candidates Make Themselves More Accessible:

As Account Manager Aimee says, “The community is underground. Being mainstream isn’t the goal, but in their own ways these candidates are doing a great job of putting themselves out there considering this stage of the industry’s maturity.” This doesn’t mean that candidates can’t do more to improve their potential career opportunities. Aimee suggests “attending shows like GDC (Yoh was just there, check out some of our Tweets from the event) can provide a good starting point for more exposure, but also the gaming job boards, forums and blogs are great places to be found.” Mike adds that it is absolutely critical to “keep your portfolio active and updated! Treat your portfolio like your life depends on it…because it does!” Why? Aimee says hands down that “an amazing portfolio that is clean and beautiful will be your ticket to your next job…not your resume.” Finally, Trudi jokes that she loves finding unicorns, but in all seriousness, recruiting is all about trust and building a strong recruiter-candidate relationship. If you’re looking for recruiters with integrity, passion and expertise in gaming (as well as some being gamers themselves), then Yoh’s Interactive team is your one stop career partner. Don’t take my word for it, Recruiter Juli says “My passion is in recruiting and I’m so happy to be in this exciting industry working with growing game studios to find the best of the best creative and technical talent.”

To learn more about our awesome Interactive recruiters, visit our Facebook page where they have been featured this month. Need Gaming Talent? Fill out the form on our Yoh Get Talent Page. Happy Gaming!

This blog was written by Cindy Lombardo. With nine years of experience in the staffing industry, having worked in the capacities of recruitment, project management, training and marketing, Cindy currently focuses on developing and implementing digital strategies that target and attract talent across all industry sectors for both national and international employment opportunities. She is passionate about following emerging applicant trends as well as educating others about both the growing talent deficit and strategies that can drive better recruitment efficiencies and return on investment. When she’s not working on candidate marketing strategies, Cindy spends her time outside of work running a non-profit opera company, practicing judo and playing with her crazy dog Scruffy.

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