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Build, Buy, Ally: Hiring a Top Cybersecurity Team


Organizations of all shapes and sizes are vulnerable to cyber-attacks. There’s no room for weak links in systems or talent in today's cybersecurity landscape. Technology continues to enhance, and cyber threats enhance right alongside them. It is up to organizations to stay ahead of these threats with high-caliber teams, and advanced hiring strategies to ensure the best talent is equipped for handling current and future challenges.



Cybersecurity knowledge and skills will be more valuable and essential than ever for those looking to stand out in the competitive IT market. As this industry continues to grow at a faster than average rate, more roles continue to be created to combat more enhanced cyber-threats. Here is a sample of the most sought-after Cybersecurity roles in this flourishing market:

  • Ethical Hackers - So-called “white hats” working to identify vulnerabilities in existing defenses while also staying on top of cyber-attack trends and helping organizations prepare for cyber-attacks (also known as penetration testers)
  • Network Security Engineer - network specialists, focused on creating a secure network infrastructure, often including audits and assessments
  • Security Operations Center (SOC) Analyst - Entry-level security employees to monitor IT infrastructure and evaluate potential threats (also known as information security analyst)
  • And many more!


The shift to remote work during the COVID-19 pandemic created lasting impacts on the Cybersecurity landscape that are here to stay. No longer are organizations operating on a single network. Increased security is necessary to protect employees logging in on their home networks, coffee shops, etc.


Personal and professionals lives have blurred together while working from home, and so have our work and personal devices. IT teams have increased efforts to protect personal devices further, while other companies have chosen to limit work on company-issued devices. As employees continue to work remotely, their activities are not monitored as closely as they would be in the office.


Those less sophisticated with cybersecurity practices may be more at risk for cyber threats to infiltrate their company devices. These changes continue to challenge the roles of cybersecurity professionals, requiring them to keep up with the latest cyber threats and trends.

You're only as strong as your weakest link. Click here for expert tips to enhance your organization's cybersecurity through better teams and hiring practices.arrow-circle-email.png



COVID-19 and the rise of new technologies continues to bring about new cybersecurity threats. The top cybersecurity trends are as follows:

1. Social Engineering and Phishing Attempts

Despite all the new technologies, people still play a significant part in many cyberattacks. Most often, social engineering-based attacks come in the form of phishing emails. Cyber attackers’ continued focus on manipulating people underscores how important policies, training, and communications are to ensure employees and customers take the right actions to protect their data and the company data they can access.

2. Employee Complacency

Whether they’re the victim of a social engineering scheme or not, employees represent one of the biggest risks – and protections – regarding cybersecurity. Complacency on any front, including browsing and email use, device management, and more, can open organizations up to significant dangers. Employees need to understand their role in protecting an organization’s data – and companies need to ensure they have the teams in place to draft and implement effective policies across the board.

3. Data Breaches

The sheer number of data breaches continues to increase. In just the first three quarters of 2021, the number of recorded data breaches already eclipsed the previous year by more than 17%. These breaches command headlines, undermine safety and security, and can do lasting damage to an organization’s reputation.


build, buy, ally in your hiring strategies

When it comes to building a robust cybersecurity program, most organizations rely on some combination of the “Build, Buy, Ally” approach. They build some elements of the program themselves, buy some off-the-shelf products or services, and ally with key external partners. It’s a proven way to ensure efficiency and tailored approaches while harnessing established solutions and recognized technology.

how to build, buy, and ally in your cybersecurity hiring

That same Build, Buy, Ally approach applies to talent management on the cybersecurity front. Organizations need to be strategic about job descriptions, training initiatives, and partnerships with managed service providers (MSPs) and other vendors to ensure a streamlined approach that prioritizes company-specific capabilities without reinventing the wheel.

Yoh’s Cyber experts have a deep understanding of the IT industries and staffing expertise to help you recruit and place leading cyber professionals. As the cybersecurity world is constantly changing, it is most important to look for candidates who continually learn and stay current on trends and where the industry is headed. Remote specialists should also be on your radar, as they have experience working under the tremendous stress of transitioning practices to a remote environment during the COVID-19 pandemic.


Ultimately, interpersonal skills are the most desired trait for an IT professional, specifically those within cybersecurity. This profoundly human role requires communicating with people of varying technical backgrounds to help them make intelligent choices with their data and devices and working with MSPs and other partners. Recruiting and retaining cybersecurity talent to foster good relationships with users, partners, colleagues, and company leaders is beyond essential.

Download our new Enhanced Cybersecurity eBook for expert advice on staying ahead of the latest cyber threats with a winning cybersecurity team!



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