
9 Key Emerging Technologies Redefining HR Tech

GettyImages-1204762097The proliferation of the Internet has accelerated the process of digitization across industries. While this has brought the world a lot closer, it has also enhanced and brought several new technologies to the table. The wave of digital transformation is now compelling industries to harness the power of the latest and more advanced technologies.

One such sector to experience several advantages from this impact of technological digitization is human resources. Not only have the HR sector experienced a boost because of them, but also proven to be much more resourceful in a short amount of time.

Let's take a look at the top front-running technologies that redefine HR technology and ease professionals' jobs.

1. Artificial Intelligence

One of the most critical aspects of HR is the human touch in its operations. The cognitive functions required to do the daily tasks such as finding new candidates, screening them, and even keeping the employees engaged are resource-intensive.

Professionals need to dedicate a significant amount of time to do these for the growth and sustainability of the organization. With artificial intelligence penetrating the HR industry, organizations can save the time of their HR professionals by enhancing these efforts and coming up with a human-like experience through a digital interface.

In addition, AI can improve employees' learning and development process, helping them seek better career opportunities.

2. Cloud

Today organizations have a diverse workforce that spans borders across the globe. But, this doesn't mean that there are any hindrances in collaboration. At the same time, with multiple devices working together from different locations, there is a need for centralized security and privacy mechanisms.

Thanks to cloud technology, HR departments can now be more flexible and respond rapidly to changing dynamics at the workplace. Organizations can promote seamless cooperation among teams, including sharing data and working simultaneously on projects through the cloud.

3. Virtual and Augmented Reality

Virtual reality is here in the human resource sector to redefine experiences. One of the most important aspects of any organization is investing in its employees' learning and development. With virtual reality in the game, employees can experience immersive by simulating real-life experiences. This can better understand the situation or equipment for better handling.

In another scenario, augmented reality and virtual reality can be used to interview candidates in a better manner and extract information that helps in better decision-making for organizations.

4. Blockchain

Blockchain is another fast-growing technology across the world. By leveraging blockchain, businesses are unlocking an astonishing amount of market value, which is only expected to grow in the future. As companies plan on harnessing several upcoming technologies for their departments, it becomes vital to have a single thread that efficiently takes care of distribution, cryptography, decentralization.

At the same time also provides a safe and imaginative way to communicate, create and share value among teams.

Another extensive application of blockchain in the HR sector can be conducting background checks of potential candidates with utmost efficiency. It can code the identity of candidates and remove any opportunities for fraud. Organizations can also store employee data confidentiality and create a secure database for HR employees by leveraging blockchain.

Since human resource is one of the most significant parts of an organization, it is upon the industry itself to drive digital transformation and extend the potential of organizations to achieve business goals.

5. Data Analytics

If businesses need to sustain themselves in the market, they must keep themselves informed. Harnessing the power of data is one of the best ways. Organizations already have a lot of data about their employees, their performances, demographics, work schedules, behaviors, and more. While manually analyzing all this data can be one of the most challenging tasks, leveraging data analytics can ease it to a great extent.

Analyzing relevant data can offer companies many insights that can be later used for decision-making. One such example is estimating the performance of employees by computing their contribution to the organization. This can help the HR professionals to identify better opportunities and profiles for employees to work.

6. Wearable Tech

Wearable technology is one of the top adoptions across companies worldwide. Today, almost all significant companies encourage their employees to adopt wearable tech in their lives to stay better connected and improve time management. Wearable tech can have a plethora of benefits, especially for employee engagement. They can increase their productivity, incentivize them and offer security.

According to recent statistics, wearable devices penetrated modern workplaces have reached an astonishing 70 million.

7. SaaS

SaaS apps have crept into organizations quite extensively. The human resource is not alien to it. Since the cloud is inevitable in today's work environment, SaaS provides several opportunities for companies to provide value to their users.

It can help overcome business risks and mitigate challenges in deploying solutions like never before. SaaS can work miraculously for businesses, right from product development to workforce management and more.

8. Mobile Applications

Undeniably mobile apps are the future. Human resource is one of the prime sectors that can benefit from it. More and more workforce across industries seeks to run applications and receive information on their mobile phones. HR can leverage this fact to keep employees engaged and streamline functions with prompt responses from the employees.

9. Social Media

Social media as a tool has become a transformative power for modern organizations. LinkedIn, for example, has grown its number of users to 738 million over the years. This means HR departments can find such platforms working to their advantage to a great extent. These can hunt employees and keep them engaged through interactive and informative posts.


While technological disruptions have already started speeding up for the human resource sector owing to the rise in demand, the COVID-19 pandemic has taken it to the next level. Nothing can deny the fact that technology will be the driving force of the industry and change the way professionals used to work in the foreseeable future.

There will undoubtedly be more stress on automation and improving factors that help find, retain and engage employees in an organization.

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About the Author: Pawan Kumar is a Digital and Content Marketer at Springworks. He has been featured on many reputed publications and online magazines! 

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