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Why Employee Engagement Will Win the War on Talent Acquisition


When you’re time to hire is painstakingly slow, everyone suffers. Longer hours, increased workload and increased pressure means unhappy workers with one foot out the door. Consequently, adding to the never-ending list of unfilled jobs.

Happy, engaged employees will attract other good workers and high performers. Click here for more on employee engagement tactics.

The beginning of any successful employee engagement strategy happens in the recruiting process. Having a good process and engaging the talent community before they are employees can pay off in the long run.

Here are some areas to think about:

  • Are you active in networks both online and offline where potential employees hang out? How connected are you with the things that are important to them?
  • How do prospective employees find you? Are they just looking at you and experiencing your company from job postings, or do you provide value and information to non-employees – without offering them a job?
  • What outreach do you do for college students and those changing careers?
    What about diversity outreach efforts?

The recruiting and sourcing process is part of a bigger process of alignment with the talent communities you are trying to reach. It’s a two-way conversation that invites engagement, rather than just asking them if they want a job.

Because every win counts. Read the Recruiting Solutions Your RPO Provider Would Never Tell You, and get your team back in the business of hiring. 


ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Andy Roane is the Vice President of Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) for Yoh. Roane brings more than 15 years of human capital industry experience to the role, including six years as Vice President of Operations for PeopleScout, where he led RPO engagements with Fortune 500 companies.  To contact Andy Roane directly, email him at



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