
What You Should Never Include in Your Resume

View of bored boss during job interview-2Whether you are just starting your career or have an abundance of experience, there is one thing you should never include in your resume. 

Some people say that writing a good resume is one of the hardest part of the job search process. If you have ever searched for a job, than you know what we mean. It's no wonder so many people choose pay to professionals to write such a valuable piece on their behalf. 

There are always those questions you find difficult to answer right away. For students in particular, they wonder what they should include when they have little to no previous job experience. While those with a rich background and ample experience debate on what they should omit. 


What You Should Never Include in your resume

When it comes to highlighting the best professional aspects of your experience, there is one thing you should never include in your resume: jobs that have nothing to do with the position you are apply to. 

Is there anything wrong with working as a house-sitter, a professional line-stander, or a fortune cookie writer? Absolutely not! But does your potential new employer need to know you were a professional cuddler, a snake milker, and maybe even a professional bridesmaids. Chances are no. 

In fact, there are several types of employment you should not avoid including your resume all together if you are pursuing alternative means of employment. These might include: 

  • Odd or irrelevant job that do not support the position 
  • Short-term projects (especially if you participated in a lot of such projects)
  • Unrealistic positions you made up to fill in the gaps on your resume

Remember that your main goal of your resume is to present your achievements in such a way that they make the potential hiring organization interested in your capabilities, and you do not want to scare off the hiring manager with odd, offensive or irrelevant jobs.


When to Exclude Past Employment From your Resume

While they might be fun, maybe even prestigious, unless you are applying for a position in a neighboring niche, this experience can be considered irrelevant, it should not be on your resume. The only goal of your resume is to inform the potential employer about your skills, gifts, and previous experience. Among many reasons why you should avoid including "odd" jobs, here is a list that can help you decipher when to include the role and not. 


When It Doesn't Add Value 

Such jobs do not strengthen your positive image of a devoted employee. You might have had the best motives behind your decision of choosing one job or another, but those who will get your resume might not realize them. And they might automatically assume that you only sought fun and not growth at your last place of emloyment. So, if you can omit that job in your resume, it might be a very good idea!


Don't Opt for Quantity Over Quality

This applies if you've had a lot of short-project jobs that do not support that you are qualified for the position. This is especially true for very narrow positions which have nothing to do with your current career.

For instance, a house-sitter is a great job but mentioning it on your resume when applying for a position of a journalist is not ideal. You can mention it if you are applying for a position as the office manager, as it says that you know how to take care of the house, though. So think twice before adding this type of experience to your resume.


When it's Not Result Orientated

Jobs that show no visible results are jobs not worth mentioned. What employers want from you is the result. They want to know that they can trust you with important tasks and you will outdo yourself and complete them within the set deadlines. Therefore, we recommend you making sure that the job you had shows that you are capable of showing visible results within the shortest time possible. Otherwise, your chances of getting the job can be decreased with such job experiences.


It's Not Related to the Position

People do not know how to deal with people who are too creative for the position. In other words, if the job you had is odd, the recruiters might find it hard to tolerate your uniqueness and work in the same environment. We know that it sounds bad, but most employers are seeking for the ordinary go-getters, and not the creative minds they do not understand.


When You're Limited on Space

They have limited time to read the whole resume. So, if they find that there are irrelevant experiences on the list, they might stop reading it right away not to waste their time. So, not to lose a chance of getting into the company of your dream, make sure to use this advice.

Creating a resume is not easy, but no one said it would be. However, with these tips, this process might get significantly simpler and much more effective.


About the Author: Kevin Nelson started his career as a research analyst and has changed his sphere of activity to writing services and content marketing. Apart from writing, he spends a lot of time reading psychology and management literature searching for the keystones of motivation ideas. Feel free to connect with him on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin & Google+.

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