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4 Reasons Why Writing Good E-Mails Is Essential For Your Successful Career

Laptop_Ablaze-1-026435-editedDid you know that, every second, people are sending and receiving approximately 205 billion emails of all different kinds? No surprise here, but the bulk of these emails are sent for business purposes with this number of work-related emails growing by 3% each year.

As email is the most effective business communication tool, it is necessary to know the basic rules of email etiquette. With more people writing online in social networks and messaging tools, how we communicate in written form is evolving and many rules of lettering etiquette are being neglected.

And if you're a job candidate, you might wonder why your emails do not get responses. Are we "invisible" candidates for the email recipients? There's no comforting answer like "just wait two weeks and everything will be cool!". No, in two weeks, you will still need a job.

In this article, you’ll discover methods to motivate employers to respond to your message. So, let's consider the most effective ways to elevate your email and boost your career.


Problem: You've made mistakes (misspelling, grammar mistakes, or punctuation)

It can be embarrassing when we find any errors in our texts. While composing any extensive material, anyone is likely to make some mistakes. In spite of it being a common, human error, mistakes like these are inexcusable when trying to make a good impression and win a job as your email loses its credibility. Grammar, spelling, stylistic - anything may cause rejection.

How to avoid the mistake?

You have several options. Try sending your email to a diligent friend for proofing. Otherwise, use one of these special services for proofreading and editing! Do not let your laziness or a pure accident affect your career. Consider these particular tools to use:

  1. Grammarly
  2. Prowritingaid
  3. Write My Essay Today
  4. KU Writing Center
  5. Purdue Online Writing Lab
  6. Writings Guru
  7. Writing Center from Harvard College


Problem: Your resume is unnoticed

Most likely, the subject of your letter was irrelevant, so the recruiter missed your email in the list of others. That is, of course, your mistake since everything should be extremely explicit.

How to avoid the mistake?

In the subject line, always indicate the position you are asking. So, you can write "Candidate for position N." It's useful to mention a vacant position in the subject line of your letter. For example, "Candidate Resume for the Position N." The logic is simple. Let people understand that your email is a resume for a particular job. That is the critical information for a recruiter.


Problem: You’re sending excessive or irrelevant information

A resume that weighs 35 MB is unlikely to be opened by a recruiter. If its loading takes time, then know - you are not on the list. Recruiters may browse your resume via a smartphone so it needs to load quickly and painlessly for them. Your chances to have a response are weak. If your letter or resume is hellishly long or is formatted badly, nobody will read it. Have you read the material on what the recruiter is looking for in your resume? He does not pay attention to every single line but clings to the words that can determine the decision. That's why a communicative email is
a firm "nope". Besides, the resume and jokes may not always be incompatible.

How to avoid the mistake?

Check your email hundreds of times to make sure that you have excluded words that lack impact. Here's the rule: Cover letter should contain 200 words while the resume should be put into one page. The suitable document format is PDF (this is applicable for the portfolio and presentations too).


Problem: You are intrusive

A typical "job-spammer" is a person who sends CVs everywhere or for several times if there's no response. These diligent persons genuinely frighten any HR. That is why it is worth refraining from posting your candidature several times. Sometimes, such people begin calling by phone. Remember, that is nonsense. You'd be better off sending an exquisite email as you're more likely to receive that call.

How to avoid the mistake?

Remind the recruiter at the end of the letter that you are very much waiting for an answer. A week later, you may try writing that you are still interested and would like to receive comments.



Before sending your candidature, evaluate your chances. Do not neglect the requirements mentioned in a vacancy and pay careful attention to them. Besides, sending letters at the right time is crucial. We recommend sending your letters from 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM or even after the working day (6:00 PM- 9:00 PM). Business letters should exclude any sarcasm or irony in expressions, inappropriate humor or informal language. Send only clear facts and definite data. Finally, accompany your vacancy with a professed email. The clear email leverages your chances.



About the Author: Donna Moores is an experienced content marketer and freelance blogger. She likes sharing her thoughts with the readers on different blogs and forums.

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