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Top 5 Ways to Improve Your Mobile App Search Ranking

Woman using cellphone at nightOnce your app is live on the app store, you might get a feeling that your work is done. However, that’s when all the fun actually begins. If you think creating a stellar app will ensure popularity and profitability, you may need to reconsider your strategy. It is important to inform end users about the app and an incentive to download it.

According to a Google Report, 48% users discover new apps by browsing app stores (Mainly Apple App Store and Google Play Store). This is where App Store Optimization (ASO) steps in. The main idea of app store optimization is to enable the user to find, tap and download your mobile app from the app catalog.

The major factors which regulate the app position is the total no. of downloads, user ratings & reviews, comments and app launches/app deletes data by the users. These factors are a key indicator of the areas which need improvement. For example, change keywords, asking users for feedback and ratings etc. Let us look at the top 5 ways to improve your mobile app search ranking:


5 ways to improve your mobile App Search Ranking


1. The Importance of your app title

The title of your app is more important than you think. You want the end users to remember the app name and to figure out the core functionality of the app. The app title would have a major impact on the appearance of your app in the search rankings. It becomes more important to add a short description if your app name is not well known. For example Flickr - Photography, Telegram Messenger or Discord - Chat for Communities and Friends. Due to popularity, it is easy to know the core functionality of these apps but not so much when it was first released. It is a good idea to use a strong keyword/s with the app title for ease of understanding. Additionally, the app title has to be crisp and clear under 50 characters.


2. Keyword Focused App Description

A Keyword focused app description forms a key aspect of your App Store Optimization (ASO) process. The app description, if done correctly, has great potential to form a positive effect for your app on the search ranking algorithm. While curating the app description, you can focus on the most relevant keywords that users are likely to associate with your mobile app. Nevertheless, just because we mentioned the importance of keywords, it is not a green signal to stuff the description with keywords just for the sake of it. If keywords are used in moderation and form a compelling narrative of your app, it can do wonders in the search ranking. Also, the repetitive use of keywords should not be encouraged as it will be caught by Google Play’s content policy. As a rule of thumb, try not use more than 5 keywords in the description even if it is tempting to do so. If the app has got featured in popular journals or news, you can use it in the first three lines to form a sense of trust among the users.


3. How About An Appealing App-Icon

Now that we have established a 50 character limit for the app title and a crisp description, app icons should be carefully selected as it forms the face of the app and the first thing users see when they download the app. It is interesting to note how little time and attention is invested in designing app icons when it is the identity of your app. While selecting an app icon, try to keep it clean with short text for it. Additionally, you can do a “look test” by placing the icon next to other app icons and use it for a few days. This is a significant step so that the app icon doesn’t get lost in the sea of apps and has the ability to stand out. For ease of understanding, you can check the guidelines published by Apple and Google.


4. app screenshots and video inclusion

You have selected an impressive title, written a crisp description and designed an impeccable icon. Now, you must include screenshots of your app to show the look of your app to potential users before they download it. Pro tip: Minimalistic screens work wonders especially on iOS apps because less is more. Along with screenshots, Apple also recommends you to add a short video (15 to 30 seconds) to demonstrate the app functionality. Research conducted by App Annie states that there was a 25-30% increase in conversions when a video was added along with app description. As video is more recently added to the app store, it is bound to get more discoverability for your app as the app store algorithm will favor apps with videos. That being said, a video is not compulsory but a recommendation to increase your mobile app search ranking.


5. App Ratings and Reviews

After doing everything right, users still need a reassurance of the app quality and this is where ratings and reviews come in handy. Imagine you are buying a product on Amazon, how many times have you decided against it because of user reviews? This is the space where you can get support from your real life friends and your social network to show some love towards your app. More ratings and reviews along with comments also work wonders on the app store ranking algorithm. When you receive negative reviews, we would suggest you to reply to each and every feedback which shows that you care about the feedback and are actively working to improve your app. Moreover, it gives an impression to the users that you are proactive and pay attention to user problems.


Wrapping Up

The above mentioned tactics are aptly referred to as app intelligence tools. It can give you market insight and help you understand customer behavior. To be able to achieve more downloads, you need to have a good title, description and app icon. If you follow these steps, you’ll get more app downloads and a higher app search ranking.


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About the Author: Keval Padia is the founder & CEO of Nimblechapps, a progressive mobile app development company. He loves to craft a mobile experience that automates business operations. The prospects of future mobile technology entice him to express his views on subjects that he is affiliated with.

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