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10 Productivity and Mood-Boosting Sites

Calm businessman meditating in lotus pose in his officeI recently deleted the Facebook app from my phone—yes, seriously! And, by doing so, I find myself more focused in the present moment and scanning more useful and newsworthy sites and apps. In light of my latest social experiment, I came up with this list of 10 productivity and mood boosting sites I found along the way. And, I promise they will leave you more satisfied and fulfilled than any social media post.  

The major reason for my Facebook app deletion is due to an article I recently read on how technology and over stimulation is negatively impacting our ability to focusa bit of struggle for me as it is. If you find having multiple browsers open, a number of drafted emails sitting on your desktop, and are routinely checking your phone, then I hate to break it to you, but you’re likely a technology addict... Welcome to the club! 


Digital Disruption

The addiction plaguing you, and the majority of our digital society, is called technological multitasking. One study performed by neuroscientist, Daniel Levitin, best describes the addiction’s root cause stating,

"Technological multitasking creates a dopamine-addiction feedback loop, effectively rewarding the brain for losing focus and for constantly searching for external stimulation.” 

The study indicates that we are less productive when we are juggling multiple technological platforms.

Many of us spend our days hovering over computers, tablets, and smartphones. Even when we attempt to stay focused on the task at hand, we find ourselves easily distracted by an ad, text, email, etc. So, how do we eliminate the disruption in our digitally charged world?


10 Productivity-Boosting Sites

I'm told the first step to any addictive behavior is admitting you have a problem. “My name is Alex, and I am addicted to technology.”  There I said it!

Now, on to some solutions to help course correct our technology addiction. Here are ten sites that will safely boost your productivity, and maybe even help you live a healthier lifestylenamaste.  


Time Management Ninja

If motivational posters are your thing, then Time Management Ninja is your site. It's a digital library filled with mood and productivity boosting quotes; like, “The battle against wasted time, disorganization, and all other things evil.” So, if you are going to aimlessly browse the web, you might as well get a daily dose of inspiration on a variety of topics; including time management tips, goal setting, email organization, and iPhone/iPad advice.


NAture Sounds for ME 

It has been reported that listening to music is enough of a distraction to steer us off course from our day-to-day activities, but white noise on the other hand, helps you stay on course. If you need to listen to something, white noise is your best choice for maximizing productivity. Nature Sounds for Me is a downloadable app with a browser supported desktop version complete with nature inspired sounds and multiple features like a sound mixer, new compositions, and more! Go and get your 'ommmmmmm' on!


Pick the Brain 

This website features multiple contributors dedicated to self-improvement with a focus on personal productivity, motivation, and self-education. My personal favorite was the article on the 5 Steps to Doubling Your Productivity. There is even a community blog written by the folks who regularly read to share and inspire one another. 



StickK is n ever evolving Commitment platform with the tools to help you achieve your goals. By asking their users to sign Commitment Contracts, stickK helps users define their goal (whatever it may be), acknowledge what it’ll take to accomplish it, and leverage the power of putting money on the line to turn that goal into a reality.



Recognized as one of the premier productivity and lifestyles blog, LifeHack is a robust and extremely intriguing website that reveals powerful information on how the human body and brain work to stay focused. Plus, it makes for great social media contentif you're into that kind of thing.



Do you often feel like you are stressed for time? Well, Calm caught the memo. When your day is enough to send you into a frenzy, keep clam and meditate on. Log-on to the user site for a well-deserved meditation break complete with voice guidance and a variety of zen programs to choose from; like calming anxiety, to building on happiness, to aiding sleep, and improving self-esteem. 


Mark Manson

This self-help author, blogger and entrepreneur is not for the faint of heart. If you can get past his no-nonsense approach to self-improvement, then you can expect to achieve a greater productivity level and overall happiness by not caring what others think of you.   



Still an office favorite, not only can Evernote become your mental notebook, but the site posts frequent tips so you can optimize the tool. Evernote products make life easier by collecting and finding everything that matters. No more resetting your password because you forgot it again.



How many times do you find an interesting article, link or app that you want to share with a friend, colleague or your network but, true-to-form, you get sidetracked and forget? Pocket captures this information and stores it for when you are ready to view it. It even has a browser plug-in and over 300 supported apps; it’s a must-have item in your productivity toolbox.


Cold Turkey

One mass addiction our society faces is an addiction to our phone. When all else fails, you can quit Cold Turkey with help from this app. When you get the urge to go surfing on the web, Cold Turkey will limit your time online based on the specifications you enter. No more living a life of internet regret. 


About the Author: This blog was written by Alexandra Calukovic-Deck, aka the Marketing Guru, a digitally-driven marketer. Claims to fame include the longest possible last name ever, certifications in Strategic & Inbound Marketing practices, and lover of all things Philadelphia.

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