The Ice Bucket Challenge. Fidget Spinners. The Cup Song from Pitch Perfect. Avocado Toast. Hoverboards. Crocs (!?). The Facebook Dress. CBD. People were freaking out in 2012 when, according to the Mayan calendar, we all thought the world was ending.
Remember any of these? You probably do, because they’re trends, and they’re everywhere at the time they’re trending. While these examples are on the fun side, there are industry trends that are constantly evolving and changing, and they’re essential to keep up with. If you’re looking for strategies to recruit the best people in the field, check out these current HR trends.
1. Embrace Technology
Technology in 2020 is an entirely different animal than technology in 2010. A decade ago, Apple’s cutting-edge concept of the iPad was born, and introduced to the tech scene was the iPhone 4. As for social media on your iPhone? Almost nonexistent. In fact, 2010 was the year of Instagram’s debut as an app. Back then, it was initially called ‘Burbn’ – how strange is that?
Fast forward ten years, and that just goes to show how fast technology evolves over time. Tech these days is a hot commodity and an ever-pervasive platform. But in business? It’s a tool for success, and it should be utilized during the hiring process.
One way to do this? Introduce phone screens and video interviews. This is an effective way to eliminate people who aren’t as well-suited for a position as they might appear on their resume. By adopting this process, the candidates who arrive for an in-person interview have already been vetted and determined to be the most promising candidates. An added bonus is that it can save time for both recruiters and applicants.
On the flip side, employers should use technology to their advantage to attract applicants. It’s important to have a presence in the digital space that puts your organization in a good light, as many applicants take time to research companies before applying.
2. Flexibility
Let’s say two people complete a 5k. The first person runs it in 25 minutes. The second person walks it in an hour. Did they both complete a 5k that morning? Yes, they both accomplished the goal. However, if you asked the runner to walk, or the walker to run, they likely wouldn’t be happy about it. The point is – people like to go at their own pace.
Allowing employees to work at their own pace and by their own schedule does a lot of positive things: reduces stress, creates a willingness to work and increases productivity and job satisfaction. It also gives employees a greater sense of responsibility and accountability.
Since most of us don’t want to spend our whole lives at work, a healthy work-life balance is something candidates hope for in a job. Accommodating employee’s needs has a domino effect that boosts employee morale and makes for a better work environment. Recruiters can hone-in on this during the hiring process.
3. Diversity & Inclusion
The definition of ‘Groupthink’ is the practice of thinking or making decisions as a group in a way that discourages creativity. There’s always a danger of groupthink when the people involved are alike and have similar backgrounds.
Groupthink is destructive to effective thinking, and at a company, it can stifle innovation and make employees feel pressured to conform. Homogenous groups may be more susceptible to groupthink, while diverse groups offer a variety of perspectives and a wide range of ideas. With different cultural backgrounds, viewpoints and thinking styles, they are less likely to conform to one thought process.
In recent years, diversity and inclusion have gained a lot of attention. They are important values in today’s society, and in the workplace – they start at the hiring process. Candidates are looking for a welcoming workplace where they feel like they could fit in. Diversity, in particular, is a crucial ingredient in the recipe for success.
The emphasis of diversity and inclusion makes employees feel respected, heard and valued. If your organization offers resource groups or programs for minority groups, the LGBTQ community, or women, it would be beneficial to emphasize that during the hiring process. If employees feel included and supported, it will foster personal success, benefitting your company overall.
4. Focus on Retention
Retention is a priority recruiting trend in 2020. Here’s why: when applicants search for jobs, typically they are looking to stay there – whether that be for a few years or long term. For companies, on the other hand, saving money is a priority, and turnover is costly – which is why instead of worrying about filling empty seats ASAP, employers should be hiring for the long haul.
When hiring, look within your organization first. There’s a chance an existing employee could move into a higher role, and offering them the opportunity for growth has benefits. They already know the different facets of your company and it saves time that would be spent recruiting, hiring and training. Additionally, other employees won’t have to absorb excess job duties during that period.
5. Soft Skills
Now coming full circle – thanks to cutting-edge technology, tasks that require hard skills are declining, making soft skills – also known as employability skills – even more necessary in the office. In fact, a study by Deloitte Access Economics predicts that two-third of all jobs in Australia will rely on soft skills by 2030 – a trend that will by mirrored globally, according to the Oxbridge Academy.
Soft skills matter because they build the foundation for everything an employee does. They influence how well people interact and work with others, which goes a long way in the workplace.
A report by iCIMS Hiring Insights found that 94% of recruiting professionals believe an employee with stronger soft skills has a better chance of being promoted to a leadership position than an employee with more years of experience but weaker soft skills. Recruiting people who have a strong likelihood of moving up in the company is an investment in the company’s future. It is why hiring managers should focus on acquiring candidates who display these skills.
The world of human resources is highly competitive and fast-paced, and keeping up with its trends is necessary to avoid falling behind. Try implementing these five trends that make for successful hiring in 2020 – we think it’ll work out in your favor.