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Why Your Resume is Costing You the Job Interview

Girl_paper-bag.jpgA resume is one of the most essential parts of getting a job interview. That's why any mistake, big or small, in your resume can cause you to miss out on your next great job opportunity. 

Resumes provide necessary insights into you, the job applicant. Many hiring decisions are based on the applicant’s resume. Consequently, every piece of information given in the resume should be clear, accurate and well-thought-out. 

That's why when submitting your resume, you should avoid these major resume mistakes. 


Lacks a clear objective

Failure to explain why you want the job in your resume doesn't seem like a major misstep, but it is a serious mistake. Known as the objective of your resume, it is an essential piece for the application process. Without it, it leaves the employer wondering why you chose to apply in the first place.

Therefore, specify the job title of the position that you are seeking as well as why to eliminate any confusion. By stating the objective you can ensure your resume has a focused summary. 


Riddled with Grammatical errors

Typos and grammatical errors are costly errors because such mistakes can easily destroy your credibility. Often, officers in a recruiting panel tend to stop reading resumes immediately when they find silly grammatical errors.

This can be easily avoided by proofreading your resume. Give it to a friend or family member for a fresh set of eyes. It's not worth missing out on a job opportunity because of an avoidable spelling mistake.


Overemphasizes duties over accomplishments

Resume writing experts at Solidessay have established that this is a common mistake in many resumes where many job applicants spend most of the space highlighting the job responsibilities instead of focusing on the accomplishments; which is of more importance to the employer.

Usually, employers are more concerned about what the applicant achieved in the past. It is better to highlight the responsibilities held in a previous organization as well as indicate statistics as an evidence of how you were of great value to that particular firm.


Uses an unattractive formaT 

Many applicants have a wrong perception that it is the content of a resume is more important than the format. On the contrary, visually attractive resumes are very important because they catch the attention of the readers and ensure that the applicant’s resume receives maximum attention. Therefore, applicants should ensure that their resumes are created in sections to keep it clean and organized.


Filled with heavy terminology

It is wrong for an applicant to use too many big words since this makes the resume not clear and straight to the point. Therefore, the difficult words, which waste a lot of time, bore the reader and consequently the reader will not continue reading it.


Too lengthy 

There are controversies as to which is the correct length of a resume since some people argue that it should only be a page whereas others argue that it should be at least two pages.

Generally, a resume should be short or precise in order to motivate the reader to read it through until the end. On the other hand, a long one will be hectic for the reader and therefore he or she may not finish reading it. Preferably, a good resume should be one clear page because its main objective is to highlight the applicant’s qualifications and not their whole life story.


In conclusion, it is necessary that everyone learns how to write a good resume because failure of this can result to loss of lifetime job opportunities, which could be secured if an applicant was well acquainted with this basic skill in life.


Author bio: Dave Mitchell is a resume writing expert teaching high school students how to format and structure their resumes. One of his recent articles is on how to write a high school resume that helped many students secure their first interview.

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