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New series: Day in the life of the talent supply chain

Today I'm introducing a new series in which we'll provide a behind-the-scenes look at the day-to-day efforts that go into helping our clients secure talented, temporary professionals. The decision to offer this inside look at our daily routines is multifaceted.

For one, we thought it would be valuable for you to see what goes into the talent acquisition process on the back-end of your talent suppliers and partners. The second factor was the feedback and reception new blogger Alex McSweeney received giving hiring managers an up-close look at the perspective of an intern or temporary employee.

And finally, at a recent editorial meeting, blogger Jesse Ohayon shared his fascination with Ridley Scott's and Kevin Macdonald's recent YouTube project, Life in a Day. The two directors petitioned the YouTube community to submit videos of their lives filmed on July 24, 2010 and are compiling the most distinctive and compelling footage into a full-length feature film.

Disclaimer: We do not anticipate that our series will be as entertaining as a Ridley Scott production. However, we do believe that by sharing our daily efforts to contribute to our clients' workforce needs you will perhaps gain some fresh and valuable insight to consider in your own organizations.

In the spirit of experimentation, you be the judge.

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