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MSP Webinar Preview: Why a Business Case is Critical

army.jpgIf your company, like most today, uses contingent or temporary labor for any significant part of its workforce, you need a managed contingent labor program. And, if you are just starting out, our upcoming webinar is just the thing to get you going.

Join us on Wednesday, October 5th at 1 PM (EDT) for a quick, 30-minute webinar, 6 Easy Steps to Develop a Winning MSP Business Case, to learn the critical aspects of building a business case for a Managed Services Provider (MSP) program.

The definition of a Managed Staffing Provider (MSP) program is, “An outsourced agency that manages the contingent worker (temporary staffing) program of a client company.” All temporary and non-employee workers go through the program. When considering using an MSP, the most common area of concern we hear is where to start.

Usually this concern takes the form of, “How do I choose an outsourced contingent workforce solutions provider?” But the real question should be: “How do I know I need a program or an MSP?”, or “How do I convince my company (and my boss) that we need one?”

So, the first thing to do is to start building a business case. This accomplishes two things: You gather information to understand where you are and what you need, and you use the information to sell the idea internally (because you need buy-in). Here’s a little secret: It is also used to help you navigate when to go to RFP, vendor questions to ask, and how to select an MSP vendor.


MSP Webinar Preview: What to Expect

Our short, 30-minute webinar on October 5th will cover the basics of what you’ll need in building a business case, but below are a few key items to think about.

Gathering Data

This is an important part of the overall process. But, most importantly, it will give you a good idea of how big/small, important/unimportant, known/unknown the idea of managing your temporary population is at your company. It will help you know how big of a hill you might have to climb.


Key Stakeholders

The idea of a managed program only works if everyone (or at least most) are bought in. The business case process will force you to look around your company and determine who will be affected and how it might impact their world(s).


Discussing Scope

As with the data gathering comment, when you have some data and an idea of who is affected, you’ll start to think about what the program might look like and how big/small it can be. This is the time to state your intentions and clarify scope.


We’ll cover these and other important areas in more detail in the webinar. It should be noted that building a business case takes a lot more work, but it’s worth it. Putting in the time upfront will pay dividends as you select an MSP partner and implement a program.

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About the Author: Matt Rivera serves as Vice President, Marketing and Communications and is responsible for overseeing all aspects of Yoh’s marketing and brand communications. Matt holds a degree in Journalism/Public Relations and has been working in the staffing industry for more than 25 years. Prior to this role, Matt held many different roles from branch recruiting and proposal writing to technology management and online marketing.

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