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Don't Plan Your MSP Business Case Without This

lightbulb_yoh_blog.jpgThink you're ready to present your business case to outsource your organization's contingent workforce program? Think again. 

What is Managed Staffing?

Organization that decide to self-manage their contingent labor management program understand the nuisances that comes with this responsibility.

Depending on who within the organization bares the burden, one or more departments are tasked with all or some of the following items:

  • Sourcing and hiring of contingent candidates
  • Tracking start and end hire dates of a fluctuating workforce
  • Negotiating supplier rates 
  • On-boarding and off-boarding employees
  • Managing and reporting on contingent labor spend
  • Compliance and payment of the contingent labor program 

Often after self-managing a program directly, some HR and procurement professionals ultimately decide it is more cost-effective to outsource this function to a Managed Services Provider (MSP). This is essentially when a third-party enters the equation and takes over the contingent labor program for the hiring organization. 


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The Benefits of Outsourced Contingent Workforce Management  

The goals of outsourcing your contingent workforce program can vary depending on the maturity level of your program. Typically for a new program cost-savings and streamlining staffing supplier relations are a top priority. In comparison, second and third iterations of the program will strive for continuous quality improvement or rolling in other staffing solutions.


The Key To Unlocking a Winning Business Case

Making the decision to outsource contingent labor management isn’t necessarily the most complex part of the process. If you are convinced you want to move forward with an MSP program there are several factors to consider. 

In this MSP Business Case webinar, contingent workforce solutions expert, Erin Fortunato shares the vital first step when developing the MSP business care: take the time to understand the complexities of change management within your organization.

Consider that by implementing a managed staffing program, you will involve everyone from IT to HR and corporate leadership. Before diving in head first, vet out what the program would mean for these key stakeholders, and more importantly, how you will communicate your vision of success to each of them. From there, you can begin to outline other determining factors of your business case. 

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