Listen up Philly! Our recruiters and staffing experts have combed the latest hiring data across top cities in the United States. Next on the list, Philadelphia. Explore which jobs and industries have the most growth opportunity; including the local companies that are hiring right now!
The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that the national unemployment rate remains low at 4.4 percent. Additionally, there was a huge increase of 222,000 in nonfarm job employment. Job growth was most concentrated in the professional services, education, health services, and business services sectors.
What does that mean for you in the Philadelphia area? The competition is fierce, but the opportunity is high. See which positions are most in-demand and the local companies hiring right now.
Nursing Supervisor
National Average wage/salary: $55k
Number of postings: 5,262
Top job poster: Brooks Health System
BLS Job growth outlook: 17% (Much faster than average)
Pharmacy Technician
National Average wage/salary: $30k
Number of postings: 3,156
Top job poster: CVS Health Corp.
BLS Job growth outlook: 9% (Faster than average)
Medical Coder
National Average wage/salary: $42k
Number of postings: 385
Top job poster: Einstein Healthcare
BLS Job growth outlook: 15% (Much faster than average)
Medical Assistant
National Average wage/salary: $30k
Number of postings: 4,602
Top job poster: University of Pennsylvania Health System
BLS Job growth outlook: 23% (Much faster than average)
Human Resource Manager
National Average wage/salary: $65k
Number of postings: 3,751
Top job poster: New York Life Insurance Company
BLS Job growth outlook: 9% (Faster than average)
Financial Analyst
National Average wage/salary: $69k
Number of postings: 4,776
Top job poster: JP Morgan Chase
BLS Job growth outlook: 12% (Faster than average)
Network Systems Administrator
National Average wage/salary: $83k
Number of postings: 2,414
Top job poster: Oracle Corporation
BLS Job growth outlook: 8% (As fast as average)
Cost Estimator
National Average wage/salary: $65k
Philly Market Average wage/salary: $75k
Number of postings: 229
Top job poster: Berks Homes
BLS Job growth outlook: 9% (Faster than average)
Equipment Operator
National Average wage/salary: $46k
Number of postings: 29,466
Top job poster: Oldcastle, Inc.
BLS Job growth outlook: 10% (Faster than average)
Environmental Engineer
National Average wage/salary: $83k
Number of postings: 1,049
Top job poster: US Dept. of the Air Force
BLS Job growth outlook: 12% (Faster than average)
Sources: CareerBuilder, US Bureau of Labor Statistics