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[Infographic] Yoh Survey: Americans Believe Artificial Intelligence Will Negatively Affect the Workforce

Closeup of woman's hand gesturing thumbs down against chalkboardAs reported in a recent online survey conducted by The Harris Poll on Yoh’s behalf, almost two-thirds of Americans (63%) sense that artificial intelligence (AI) will have a negative effect in the workplace. And, 90% of those who took part in the survey suspect that the workforce will be reconditioned by AI in some aspect.

This survey, which involved more than 2,000 U.S. adults, registered a separation between how Americans believe AI will impact the jobs of others’ in comparison to their own. The poll suggested that nearly half of those who were surveyed expressed more concern regarding other peoples’ jobs rather than the jobs that they individually possess.

Here are all of the fundamentals that the Yoh/Harris poll collected.


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Leading Data


AI Will Change the Workplace

Out of the 2,000 Americans surveyed, 1,800 of them or 90% have a hunch that AI will affect the workforce in some way. However, those who participated feel that AI will have more negative influences than positive ones.



Amongst those surveyed, 63% think that AI will have a more negative affect in the workplace. The majority of employed Americans who contributed believe that AI will totally eradicate the jobs of others’, while only few feel that AI will make it more difficult for them to personally hold their current positions or to find jobs in the future.



On the other hand, many involved in the survey (54%) feel that AI will produce positive solutions. They believe that AI will be better and expedite how jobs are accomplished, and will also allow businesses to flourish more.


If you would like more information regarding this survey, you can read the entire press release here. 


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About the Author: Caroline Cristini is a current Marketing and Communications intern at Yoh, A Day & Zimmermann Company. She is also a rising junior at Rosemont College in Rosemont, PA. During her time at Rosemont, she is a marketing major who has been named to the Dean’s List each semester whilst serving as a Resident Assistant. Caroline is also a graduate of Padua Academy in Wilmington, DE.

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