
HR Recruiting Resources Hitting a Breaking Point?

The skills assessment process is how you begin to understand your departmental and organizational needs. From hiring trends to bottom line savings, having the ability to quantify and qualify workforce skills is step one of a three-step process. 

  1. Define What Skills You Need – Put together a listing of the types of skills your company needs on an ongoing basis. Figure out the right buckets – those always needed (ongoing) and special needs (niche), or perhaps business critical needs vs. ongoing, general needs. Go one step further and predict the kinds of needs you see in the future. What projects are on the horizon? New facilities?

  2. Prioritize – When you have your list together, do a force ranking of the positions. Which are the most critical to your business right now? Which are always going to be there?  Look at just the types of skills, not necessarily the volume or complexity of the skills. Focus on what’s needed the most.

  3. Assess Your Recruiting Resources – Take your prioritized list and look at your available recruiting resources for each position or area. Take into consideration the volume of hires that are required – this will impact the number of resources you will need, and also the complexity of the recruiting. List the internal and external resources you have that would be available to you for each. Be realistic with your assessment. If you have the same name or resource on each of them, can they cover all of the areas? If you have a department, start putting actual names in each area.

Once you’ve created the picture of your recruiting needs and resources, you can start to plan. Will you need more external resources? Will you need to separate your needs – what can internal staff handle vs. needs that may need to be outsourced? What actions can you take to make sure you will be able to cover all of the areas?

Think you're hitting the breaking point? See what else you can do right now to improve your hiring process


ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Andy Roane is the Vice President of Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) for Yoh. Roane brings more than 15 years of human capital industry experience to the role, including six years as Vice President of Operations for PeopleScout, where he led RPO engagements with Fortune 500 companies.  To contact Andy Roane directly, email him at



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