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How To Use Blogging As a Recruiting Tool

Magnet Attracting PeopleRecruiting is a constant search for personnel. Recruiters must fill vacancies quickly and efficiently by selecting the most suitable talent, and recruitment blogs can be used for this. We have to constantly work with information, process it, and find new applicants. For beginners, a natural question arises: how to find an employee, where and where to start? For this nowadays can be used recruitment blogs, and not only by professional blogger, but also by any other user.

Understanding the difficulties of young recruiters at the start, we have formed a basic guide to resume sources and search methods - they will help in the first stages of recruiting.

Where to begin?

A recruiter's job always begins with a task. If the customer knows exactly who he wants to see in a particular position, and there is a clear application for the selection of personnel and working conditions, this facilitates the search. However, there is often a situation when a task for a recruiter is limited to two words: “find an accountant” or “find a programmer”.

What to do in this case? Create a vacancy yourself in a recruitment blog with these tips to get on top and reach the aim. You can learn some advices (also about guest posting service) by checking this page :

  • age
  • education
  • professional requirements
  • work experience, etc.

It’s recommended today to post jobs based on chosen topics. At these times, it is important to keep in touch with the customer or the head of the department. Try to find out what kind of specialist you need, ask questions, or find more info. The bigger, the better.

If you can compose a vacancy yourself, be sure to then agree on all the details with the customer. The search for employees will be based on these criteria and they must be approved.

All HR specialists will probably agree on one opinion: there is no universal recruitment method that would suit absolutely every company from scratch. Any method for blogs as a marketing tool needs to be tested in practice in the realities of your organization, its capabilities, the budget allocated for the search for new employees, and... even after all these manipulations, the method can work in one case, and not justify itself at all - in another.

What determines the success of the recruiting method?

  • From the needs of the company for certain specialists;
  • From the time allocated for the search for a candidate;
  • From external factors: the season, social changes, crisis or recovery in the state;
  • From changes in the professional sphere or the labor market and several other reasons.

So don't be in a hurry to pick one - try several methods for different jobs and recruiting goals. To do this, it is important to know the typology: it will help you navigate if you face an urgent task of filling a vacancy.

Recruiting blogs as an instrument

Blogs are usually created specifically for professional communication. And if you start it, then, in theory, you will be able to communicate only with your colleagues - HR directors and HR managers - about the assessment and motivation of personnel. This means that with the help of a blog, you can only staff the HR department. We recommend that you read the material here about the Internal Communications Manager.

But if your goal is to attract financiers, sales managers, IT professionals to the company, I suggest you not create a personal blog, but register on social networks, such as, for example, LinkedIn. They are popular with professionals from a variety of non-HR professional fields. These specialists communicate with each other and, being in demand, are not actively looking for work, and, accordingly, do not post their resumes on job sites. This, of course, will not prevent you, if necessary, from making an offer to one of these professionals and attracting them to work in the company.

Without scheduling an interview: how to know if a specialist is right for you

Finding a candidate is only half the battle. Next, you will need to familiarize yourself with his profile in detail and understand whether he is right for you. We have prepared several methods to determine this.

Analyze a person's expertise

Study his account carefully, read posts on a professional topic, rate how informative and useful they are.

Check how often a potential candidate takes part in specialized conferences and thematic events, webinars, what role he plays there. It's great if he acts as a speaker or organizer.

Users often post links to their achievements in their account - this can be a written book, an article in a magazine or in a well-known blog, etc. In addition, for real experts who know their business, you can find various guides and checklists for smart business blogging written based on the knowledge gained in your account.

All these criteria indicate the expertise and professionalism of the candidate.

Get to know the potential candidate's values ​​better

Account information characterizes a person's values ​​better than standard resume questions. This will allow you to find out more information about a person, not only from the professional side.

How to find a candidate - we found out, it remains to understand who exactly is relevant to look for on Instagram. On this social network, you can find such specialists as story makers, internet marketers, copywriters, content managers, designers, SMM managers. The main advantage of finding blog candidates is that the user profile acts as both a portfolio and a resume.

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Author Bio: Nancy P. Howard has been working as a marketer at portrait retouch service. She is also a professional writer in such topics as blogging, IT and HR. She loves travelling, photography and is always welcome to meet new people.

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