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How to Build an Effective Software Development Team: Steps, Roles & Tips

GettyImages-984117566Building an effective software development team is easer said than done. It requires strategic planning, navigating complex systems, and unifying key members who have a similar attitude toward achieving the common goal. In addition, a comprehensive strategy and a well-developed thought process are required to ensure a sense of unity. 

When you have a good team, the final product often is well-developed. Moreover, it takes less time to develop the software as all the experts are involved. In fact, it helps in keeping an eye on the mistakes at the time of production with fewer mistakes and the project gets completed on time.  

The software industry is becoming a multi-billionaire, the modern market is now also focusing on offering the latest user efficient software for the B2B market too. The employment rate of 22% growth for software developers from 2019 to 2029 is due to the ever-growing demand for new applications across different smart and mobile devices. As a result, the market will be flooding with software developers and engineers. Furthermore, with 5.9 million developers dedicated to Android software already in the market and the expected number of software developers by 2023, over 27.7 million worldwide, it will be tough to find the right persons for a project. Hence, to build an effective software team that can efficiently develop and finish a project, a smart person with smart tips needs to be at the helm. 

In order to build an effective software development team, it is essential to research the tips and roles you'll want to employ in your hiring strategy.

3 Steps For Building The Team 


Step ONe

The first part of building the team starts with the selection of professionals who are highly suitable for the project. Then next comes the overall structure of the development team which has its own importance. 



They can offer you the entire solution for the project; however, if you want to create a niche or high-end software, they are not your answer. 



You need specialists or experts to create software that beats the competition. The individual developers can be referred to as specialists here who are highly experienced in their own field. 



When creating an effective team this is the most ideal option. As you have to select a mixed choice of professionals i.e. generalists and a few specialists. But it’s not easy to develop a team like this as it requires a lot of money and time.

Step 2 

The team size should be decided as per the size of the project. Opting for a smaller team will make the management of the team easy keeping in mind that we should hire the Specialists or opt for Hybrid. Whereas, a bigger team will make the execution of the tasks faster but there will be huge chances of mistakes. The team size can be based on:

  • Project type
  • Complexity
  • Budget 
  • Resources 
  • Deadline

The preferred number of people in your team is 7, but can range from 3 to 9.


Step 3

This last step is all about determining and establishing the roles of the team members who will be working in making a project successful.


Team members

We usually consider designers, developers and a tester to be the primary team members. But, we forget that an effective team includes more members with specific specializations. Hence, you require the below-mentioned team members with specialized knowledge.


Product Owner

The owner of the project outsourcing the work can be a suitable person for this post. Ultimately it is all about the end-user.


Project Manager (PM)

The person in this position is supposed to be effective enough to manage and lead the team and have a clear understanding of the complete project. The PM has a lot of different responsibilities, among which is to ensure that the project meets the tightest deadlines and does not succumb to common software project delivery pitfalls.


Software Architect 

This position is very significant as they are skilled and well-qualified specialists who know how to build software that meets all the technical parameters. He is the one making decisions of technical standards, including the technology stack that should be used. 


Developer(s)/Product Engineer(s) 

These are the professionals who take care of the languages to be used in the software. Therefore, they have to be experienced with a good grasp of certain programming languages. Front end developers will make sure that your interface looks good and is convenient for users. Back-end developers will take care of the app’s functionality and integrations.


Experience Designer(s)

Their job is to ensure that the product comes out to be user-friendly. They are often involved in market research to understand how the UX should look and feel.  



Before the final product is launched, their job as QA is to test the software to make sure it is bug-free and ready to launch in the market as the quality is assured.


Business Analyst 

His job is to communicate with the stakeholders, identifying the issue with the product, and ways to solve them for making it better. 

4 Tips For Developing AN Efficient Team 

First, of course, each member must get along since the project often lasts more than a couple of months to a few years. So finding the right people who will fit the project and your goals are essential. 


1. Find Critical Thinkers 

Find individuals who can bring something new to the table. Don't always look for a 'Yes' man; a person who can say no to an idea and give a different perspective can eventually help you create a better product. 


2. Look For A Domain Expert 

Developing software is more than just writing the codes and user experience. It is pivotal that you have someone who is well-versed in the field or sector of the software that is getting developed. The industry knowledge helps you get the insights required for creating unicorn software. 


3. Look Into Previous Works 

The individual's previous work can be a yardstick in understanding their capacity to work at a team level. Also, it will be good to ask for some case studies and issues that they have managed to solve and how. 


4. Cheap Or Efficient: Make The Choice Right

Cheap pricing is quite tempting, but good quality work won't be cheap. So you need to take every step carefully to ensure you make the right decision in the right direction. 

Creating The OPTIMAL Team 

The technologies are revamping each day which makes it essential to choose suitable team members for the project success. Using the above-mentioned steps, roles and tips carefully will help you build a successful software development team. In case you are unsure of having one, contact software development companies. We will guide you to get suitable experts, making them the right team.

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About the Author: Mohd Sohel Ather is a software engineer by profession and passionate about tech writing. Sohel loves writing and enjoys sharing his ideas on application development and other types of programming. He also likes to keep up with the latest technology trends in the world wide web.

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