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How to Attract the Best Talent in the Digital Age

Businessman in blue suit working with digital vurtual screenAs the digital climate continues to grow and develop, organizations are being forced into changing the way they do things – even when it comes to recruitment. This increasingly competitive landscape has made it challenging to find talented, enthusiastic employees who are dedicated to their job. According to a recent survey, 68.5% of workers consider themselves ‘not engaged’ or ‘actively disengaged’ at work. To grab and maintain their interest, companies need to be more agile, flexible, and open. Keeping this in mind, here’s how to attract the best talent in the digital age:


Get Their Attention

For the most part, modern workers (particularly millennials), prefer to search for jobs using a technological approach. They’re less likely to be circling ads in the local paper and more likely to be browsing job search websites and saving them to their favorites. Of course, they’ll still attend their university career fairs, but they’ll be more attracted to stands that feature technology, and they’ll do some preliminary online research on the companies before attending.

Some companies have innovative ideas when it comes to getting the attention of applicants. For example, Riverbed, a technology firm, took an interesting approach to finding new engineers and developers who could perform well under pressure. They held a series of competitions including hackathons, programming challenges and coding tasks, through which they raised brand awareness and also found some great new employees.


Articulate What’s In It for Them

Thanks to modern communication methods like video calling and online conferences, working remotely has become more common. When people are looking for a job, they’ll always have a few big questions similar to the following:

  • What is the pay?
  • Where is it located?
  • What are the employees like?
  • What is the work environment/culture?

The next question on their list is nearly always concerning job perks. What can you offer the candidate that your competitors cannot? Whether it’s compensation packages, the potential to move up within the organization, or amazing away days, people like to know what benefits they’ll be receiving if they join. Therefore, it is beneficial to advertise all the great perks that employees will receive if they work for your company.


Offer Professional Certifications

Offer future employees an opportunity to learn more about the industry with professional certification options. Corporate Solicitors Manchester offers employees training programs within the company, aside from those who have already earned their law degree. Not only will this allow employees to develop more skills specific to their job role, but it will also instill a desire in them to commit to their job and grow within the company. By encouraging and investing in staff, companies can increase their profits, increase employee productivity, and ultimately achieve a better staff retention rate.


Manage Your Digital Presence

Many millennials spend their days glued to their phones. These are the people fresh out of college, ready to apply all the skills they’ve learned to real life situations. If you properly manage your company’s digital presence and social media platforms, you should be able to connect with this new market of job seekers. Ensure that your messages are compelling and have a call-to-action, encouraging potential employees to get in touch with you. It could also be beneficial to have a system in place for responding to all outreach across all channels.


Increase Job Satisfaction

Those who are not happy in their current job role will be unmotivated and as a result, they often underperform. However, employees who are happy with their job will likely recommend the company to others, drawing in more talent. So, if you continuously work to increase the job satisfaction level for employees, you’ll find that they’re more motivated and enthusiastic to work to improve your company.


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About the Author: Zack Halliwell is a writer in the business and marketing niche, giving advice on anything from the perfect branding to the latest tech releases. When not writing he can be found on long mountain walks with his dog, Batman.


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