
How Americans Feel About The Role of AI in the Hiring Process

Modern notebook computer with future technology media symbolsEveryday, advancements in technology are changing the way that things are being done around the world, and the workplace has been no stranger to these changes. According to a recent survey conducted by The Harris Poll on Yoh's behalf, more than two-thirds of American adults (69%) believe that Artificial Intelligence (AI) should not play a role in certain hiring tasks.

It is important to gain an insight on how people feel about AI in the workplace as it becomes an inevitable reality for many employees in this high-tech age.



Over 2,000 U.S. adults above the age of 18 completed an online survey revealing their opinions on this matter. In particular, the survey asked participants how they feel about AI's role in these common hiring tasks: selecting a candidate to be hired for a position, assessing the honesty of a candidate, conducting virtual job interviews, providing job rejections to a candidate not being selected, screening applicants' resumes, and helping with a new hire's onboarding process.

The results can be seen in the infographic below.






Despite many Americans' opposition of AI's place in the hiring process, approximately one-third do support this evolution (31%). This reveals that there is not a complete resistance to AI in the workplace. This could further indicate the potential for AI to become widely embraced as its presence becomes more common.

As people continue to improve AI's functions and capabilities, it could become a principal resource in efficiently hiring new employees. An increasing number of Americans may open up to AI's role in the hiring process if  the technology soon proves to be a great tool to aid companies around the globe.





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