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Fundamentals of a Social Media Marketing Strategy for 2020

businessman hand working with new modern computer and business strategy as concept-4Social platforms are undergoing dramatic changes every year. If a strategy worked best for you last year, taking the same path at present cannot assure the same result. So, it would help if you crafted a marketing strategy that caters to the current trends.

With social media marketing being an ever-evolving field, we have dived deeper and spotted out the measures that work best in 2020.


fundamentals of social media marketing 


1. Pair With The Appropriate Influencer

Influencer marketing has become more vital in 2020 as brands and businesses are increasingly collaborating with influencers. All the major social platforms have a large number of influencers. Though influencer marketing is a common strategy, a more substantial part of the outcome relies on the influencer that you choose:

  • Go with the influencer whose personality perfectly aligns with your brand.
  • Ideate concepts for the campaigns that match up with your influencer.
  • If the influencer had a consistent percentage of the target audience as followers, then it will be easier for you to achieve a higher conversion rate.


2. Capitalize On Micro-Influencers

Roping in with micro-influencers will also help you to achieve sales goals. Going with micro-influencers will be the wiser move if you want to build a customer base in a particular location. These influencers will have the majority of their followers based in a specific region. So, you can promote your business in that area by hiring these influencers.

Recently, Samsung partnered with many micro-influencers to promote its Galaxy Note 10 on Instagram. Those influencers had an average of 25,000 followers. So, consider having micro-influencers as part of your social media strategy.


3. Give Prominence To Conversational Marketing

Frame your strategies in a manner that could ease the process of initiating conversation with your target audience. Rather than focusing on running ads, grab the opportunities that a social platform provides you to initiate a conversation with your target audience. Reach out to your prospects through DMs, reply to their stories, and solve their queries.

This way, you can become more familiar with them. You can also leverage messaging platforms to develop a conversation with your target audience. For example. Messenger, which has around 1.3 billion users globally, and it's expected to reach 2.4 billion users in 2021.


4. Take Advantage Of Chatbots

Chatbots can be used as an effective tool to build a conversation with your target audience. Let's consider that you own an apparel store, and you have recently launched new collections. You can automate messages to your chatbot like 'Hi Watson, Hope you are doing well. Kindly check our new arrivals'. The chatbots will reach your target audience with the message and showcase the new arrivals.

One of the globally renowned stores, H&M, has its very own chatbot integrated with Messenger. The chatbot carries out many of the duties of a salesperson, from showing the collections based on the customer's taste to driving them to make the purchase. 75% of people who made a purchase using H&M chatbot expressed that they are intrigued by its conversational tone.

If any of its suggestions do not satisfy you, it will display another collection with the message, 'Check this out. I hope that I didn't disappoint you this time'. As chatbots are also capable of sorting out customer queries to a certain extent, try to employ a chatbot and integrate them into messaging platforms.


5. Conquer Your Customer's Mind With Personalization

Personalization helps you stay ahead of your competitors and make a customer stay with you for years. If a person surfs the internet to buy a hoodie, they get exposed to hoodies from multiple brands. So to stand apart from the crowd, promote your brand by saying that you can design the hoodie according to the customer's personal interest.

Personalization marketing will pave the way to build a strong bond with your customer. A recent survey found that 41% of brands will rely on personalization marketing in 2020. So, add personalization as part of your marketing strategy to generate a large number of leads and to sustain the prevailing customers.


Bottom Line

The landscape of social media marketing is experiencing consistent changes; the same goes for people. Their interests and purchasing behavior also changes from time to time. So, keep yourself updated according to the current trends and craft your social media marketing strategy accordingly.Tips Trends Insights, Subscribe Yoh Blog


About the Author:   Sarah Smith is a professional content creator and writes in-depth articles about Social Media and tech reviews. Her particular areas of interest are marketing, technology, and anything related to social media. She has published several articles on leading websites, is an avid blogger and a Social Media Blogger.

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