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IT Candidates Are the Biggest Offenders of this Resume No, No

IT_Jobs_Seekers_Resume_LiarsWhat's a little fib when it comes to drafting an eye-catching resume? A lot according to InformationWeek who recently called out IT job seekers for being resume lairs. 

InformationWeek, the world's most trusted online community for business technologies, was getting a lot of flack from IT hiring managers who reported an increased number of resume fibbers since the recession. To gain a deeper understanding of the issue, InformationWeek called on Matt Rivera, VP of Marketing at Yoh (hey, that's us!) to ask why IT candidates are feeling the pressure to go all "pinocchio" on their resumes.

Interestingly enough, tech candidates earn the number three spot as the most-dishonest job seekers. Out of the skills that are most fabricated, the following make the top  The article goes on to call out the most embellished parts of the IT resume: 

 Resume Item  % Found to be Embellished
 Skills Set  57%
 Responsibilities  55%
 Dates of Employment  42%
 Job Titles  34%
 Academic Degrees  33%
 Employment History  26%
 Accolades & Awards  18%

Unqualified candidates are trying to outsmart a company's ATS (applicant tracking system) most commonly used at larger companies to filter candidates. How? By inserting specific keywords in their resume. But before you start copying and pasting the latest industry jargon into your resume, Rivera warns applicants that hiring managers are taking greater measures to vet out dishonest applicants.

To read the full article, which identifies the most embellished parts of an IT resume, click here.


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