
5 Keys to Engaging Top Talent to Your Business


Each year companies provide research data focusing on employee engagement types, which can be placed into three main categories: Actively Engaged, Engaged, Non-Engaged. According to Gallup, only 20% of employees worldwide are engaged in their work.

Lack of employee engagement is caused by low stimulation. It affects business performance. Therefore, it is essential to change these untapped sources into a lively performing group.

Why Is Employee Engagement Important?

Several factors depend on employee engagement:

  • A high level of engagement improves efficiency and guarantees a profit.
  • Satisfied colleagues also tend to retain customer satisfaction.
  • Less expense on HR and management due to the high turnovers.

Besides, dissatisfied workers contribute to poor corporate culture and can disclose company information to competitors. On the other side, a professional worker can bring money and success to the company. 

How to Choose a Professional

Professionalism in your niche is an important issue. If half of the workers are unwilling to perform appropriately, it will dramatically influence the business results. With a team of talented and motivated employees on board, the chance that your company will succeed is increasing. Hiring professional employees is as important as any other function in the company. The following tips for a small company can boost positive results.

1. Rethink Your Company's Approach

Before you think about attracting professional workers to a team, do not forget to inspect your company from the inside. The moment one company hires a candidate, another company loses it.

You should make sure that the second option is not about your company. Always ask yourself, "Are my employees happy?". Do you promote them, train them, and reward them sufficiently? Is your corporate culture positive or negative?

2. Define Your Job Responsibilities

If you want to engage the best pros, there are some steps the company has to follow. The first step is to think carefully about the job description. It would be best if you focused not only on what exact professional you want to see in your company but also on what you are going to offer.

Ensure that you include training and development opportunities in your description and "sell" your company's work and culture.

3. Rethink the Interview Process

Many companies put much effort into attracting professional workers but pay less attention to the interview. It is happening in small companies: the interview is scheduled suddenly, and the manager runs around trying to find someone who is not too busy for this. Others mix the resumes, which destroys the company's image.

4. Use Your Employees as Brand Ambassadors

Candidates with experience understand perfectly well when they are being interviewed poorly. Put your best colleagues in front of the candidates to create a positive picture.

5. Develop Company Culture

Provide open communication with your employees. Being honest and transparent builds trust and respect in the workplace. Encourage your workers with positive reinforcement and celebrate their victories, big and small. Be open to being flexible to different ways of working, whether that be hybrid, remote, or in office. Having a company with no company culture will lead to an overflow of non-motivated employees.


These tips will help any company to engage the best pros and enhance employee engagement. Indeed, the professional employee can leave if he feels less motivated. Therefore, maintain a high level of engagement among all workers.

What do you think is the most critical factor that makes employees less engaged in the company? Low KPI, low salary, or lack of vacation? Take the time to evaluate your company and embark on a path to engage the best professionals.

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About the Author: Yuriy Moshes is the CEO of Moshes Law and attorney with broad expertise. He has two bachelor’s degrees. Being an experienced expert, he is considered one of the most in-demand specialists in the employment law field. Apart from that, he provides labor law attorney free consultation for everyone who faces discrimination in the workplace.

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