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5 Reasons Your Hiring Process Is Failing

Yoh-Blog-catch-them-if-you-can-143067-edited.jpgHiring quality staff in today’s market has become increasingly difficult. Whether you are recruiting specialized experts within certain fields or simply looking for general staff, you or your HR department won't get very far if your hiring process is set up to fail. 

Companies assume that their candidates are familiar with conducting job interviews and writing standout resumes or cover letters to a point. But the results of overlooking or underestimating such crucial details in a job posting that can lead to getting some of the worst candidates ever.


Poorly defined job description

Whatever public statement or announcement you put out in regards to your new opening should be curated accurately and with as much attention to detail as possible. In fact, there is no easier way to get the wrong candidates than by not properly defining the role on the job posting.

Defining a role poorly will result in wrong candidates approaching you with intent of getting hired and you will most likely have to either hire someone from that pool of candidates or repeat the whole process from the beginning. This is a tiresome and expensive exercise in patience which can easily be avoided by paying attention to your company’s standards and defining a job description cohesively and precisely. If possible, make sure a professional writer and an HR expert has a say in what gets written in the job posting.


Doing someone a favor

Having a friend in need is both a blessing and a curse. While your friend might have knowledge and experience in the industry you are hiring in, it doesn’t mean they are good for your job opening. One of the worst mistakes you can make as an interviewer is to invite your friend to apply.

Theoretically, every one of your candidates desperately needs a job. It’s why they all applied in the first place. Make it clear that this person is your friend who “desperately needs a job”. Don’t make the mistake of risking your career and professionalism for someone who may or may not be grateful for it. Your company’s well being is more important than a friendly favor, and once you realize that, you will be a step closer to hiring someone who is actually ready to be hired.


Deciding based on first impressions

Depending on the type of business you are running and the position you want to fill, you will receive a high number of applicants. This means that you should be prepared to cut off a certain number of applicants before even reaching the interview stage. As sad as it sounds right now, you will quickly realize the reasoning behind this.

Many of your candidates will send incomplete, poorly formatted or simply embarrassing resumes. And while design or writing skills are not needed for maintenance positions and similar jobs, your company needs to maintain a level of professionalism in order to preserve the company’s image.

Never decide on whether or not to invite or hire a candidate based solely on first impressions. Always have a second pair of eyes ready to give you an outside opinion no matter which candidate you might be considering.


Relying too much on the interview

You might think that interviews are where everything becomes clear and you know who you want to hire by the end. Except in reality, interviews only make things more confusing if your candidates applied using stock resumes and copied information. While some of them do use writing services companies for their resumes, these papers are still filled with wrong information based on your own job posting.

If your job posting doesn’t contain the right information necessary to hire someone for your company, it might be a good idea to revoke it and post an updated version publically with an extended application period. Inviting people to your interviews without being sure that they are the right people for your job positions will only end in embarrassment and frustration on both parts. While it’s always possible that one or two people will fit the description you need, this is a slim chance in which you hope to find a nugget of gold in a huge pile of dirt with no end in sight.


Hiring without a follow-up

While resumes and interviews paint a picture of a candidate in one way, calling them a few days later and talking about the interview will give you a completely different perspective. You should never hire anyone without talking to them over the phone or via email after the interview. 

Some people might be grateful for your call while others might feel frustrated because they have allegedly been told to “try again later” even though you are simply bluffing. This is the final step in deciding whether or not someone is fit for your company, even if they don’t have all the qualifications you have listed in your job posting.


Making mistakes when hiring new candidates is inevitable. Just when you think you have the game figured out, something new and unexpected will happen and you will have to adjust your expectations. Keep in mind that even a poorly planned out hiring cycle can still bring quality staff onboard.

It all depends on the type of people who receive your invitation to apply and actually have the courage to send their application. Try to always make the best of the situation you are in, no matter how difficult it may seem to hire the best candidate out of a poorly selected group of people. Some of them might become your long-term colleagues in the future if you give them a chance.


About the Author: Luisa Brenton is an educational writer who has over 4 years’ experience in marketing. She is a regular contributor at Her mission is to help people in finding their own way to balanced lifestyle and coping with everyday assignments successfully. You can find more of her articles at Facebook and Twitter.

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