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3 Digital Tools To Improve Your Recruiting Strategies

Modern notebook computer with future technology media symbols-3With today’s world as tech-heavy as it is, it should be no surprise that job search has evolved online as well. What should this mean as an employer? Simple - moving online is more important now than ever before.

With this comes some consideration, however! For example, how will this virtual experience affect the candidate’s journey? Recognize this issue. Going through recruitment virtually can feel disconnected and overwhelming, so it’s crucial to improve and master your online recruiting strategy.

That being said, recruiting online has developed far beyond simply posting a job opening online or calling an employer over the phone. Now, there is an entire list of tools to utilize within your strategy that will elevate your recruiting and pull in the top talent that you want working for your company. It’s not only about getting a large number of people to apply, it’s crucial to entice the right kind of people for the job. Keep reading below for some expert tools to utilize when kick starting your strategy.


3 Digital Tools to improve your recruiting strategies


1. Pre-Selecting Candidates

When dealing with a large number of candidates, it can become overwhelming. With the addition of limited in-person time, keeping track of everyone can be pretty tricky. This can lead to making mistakes while pre-selecting potential employees, and ultimately missing out on qualified workers. Thankfully, there are solutions for this common issue.

Pymetrics is just one of the many options available when pre-selecting applicants. With fair and accurate talent matching, they take bias out of the equation and strictly base their matches off the answers each person gives. Leveraging objective data for better predictions on match and potential, you are able to recruit the perfect candidate for the job opening.

This type of tool is necessary when hiring for any position in your company. Using digital tools can help you streamline and make your company's hiring process much more efficient with quality employees matched to your company's needs by filtering out those who don’t match.


2. Social Recruitment

According to data found from the Social Media Strategies Summit, 78% of recruiters have hired through a social network. With this information, it is almost impossible not to use social media when recruiting new employees. While it is so beneficial to use, it can be extremely time consuming and require a constant upkeep to maintain as optimized as possible. It is important to keep your posts up to date and engaging as well. Incorporate this into your strategy and have a clear plan and understanding of what your goals are to truly optimize this method of recruiting.

Talkwalker is extremely helpful when it comes to optimizing your social strategy. With analytics from sources like blogs, forums, reviews, and social platforms, you are able to have an inside look at what the conversations online look like. With this data, you are able to make informed decisions on how to engage with your ideal audience and where to find them.


3. Promoting your Brand

It goes without saying, you want your company to have a reputation as a great employer. This alone can help pull in top-notch applicants and make the recruitment process extremely easy. You are essentially taking the role as a marketer and you are selling the company. Creating a strong brand online and ensuring that all platforms match and have the same, consistent message will eliminate confusion for candidates and help you secure qualified applicants.

VideoMyJob can be extremely helpful for creating positive content for your brand. With this mobile-first solution you are able to easily create your own engaging videos for candidates to view different stages of the employee lifecycle. Videos are a great visual and an easy way for them to get a grasp on what your company stands for and what life in the office looks like as well.

Whichever tools you decide is best for your recruitment goals, ensure they can integrate with one another. This not only will save you time, but can ease some unnecessary stress when it comes to picking the right employee. Always remember technology is here to help us and can be instrumental in growing your team when utilized correctly.

With the right tools you will be able to recruit better matches for your job vacancies while simultaneously saving time and money. Be sure to research and find the ones best suited for your goals and strategy!


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About the Author: Sara Carter is a native Bostonian who focuses on business and technology. When she's not writing on the latest in these industries, she is baking or finding fun activities to do with her dogs and kids.

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