
How to Use Video for Recruiting Top Talent

IT_Talent-575550-edited A company is only as successful as the talent they hire. The traditional recruiting methods of job ads and follow-up emails simply isn't enough to find the best talent to help your company succeed.

Nowadays, job seekers have high expectations from their prospective employers. They, too, perform a thorough research of the company on social media and other websites to gather information.

You have to fight with your competitors to attract the best talent. Furthermore, take the extra mile to market your business to prospective employees. Today, the practice of employer branding is necessary to attract the best talent.


Employer BrandinG 

Businesses use marketing to capture prospective customers' attention, get them excited about their offerings, and slowly persuade them to buy a product or service.

Similarly, the recruiting and human resources teams of companies use different content types to attract and engage candidates. This marketing practice to engage with new talent is called Employer Branding.

Using new and innovative methods, you'll be promoting your company as the ideal place to work. Although there are several types of content, videos have emerged as the best tool with a broader reach and greater capacity to engage with the audience.


why video?

There is empirical evidence to show the use of recruitment video brings in 36% more applications. It was also found, the accessibility and impact of the video could be augmented by adding captions and visual elements.

This isn't your typical business video. Here the goal is different; so is the audience. But the basic principle of a business video – the need to focus on the requirements of the audience – remains the same.

Regardless of the size of your business, you need recruitment videos to hire the best minds for your jobs. You don't need a large budget for video content. Produce videos in-house and hire video editor hourly rate service to create professional-level recruitment videos on a budget. Video is turning into the most effective tools to attract top talent, but where do you begin? 


7 ways you can use recruitment videos to attract the top talent


1. Create Videos that Define the Brand Vision and Mission

Nowadays, job seekers prefer to work for companies that share the same values, goals, and vision as they do. This is clear from studies that found companies with a clear mission statement have a 40% higher employee retention rate. Videos that explain the company’s vision and mission are equally effective in attracting like-minded candidates.

Companies could emulate Coca Cola that released an animated video in 2011. The multinational beverage giant used the video to share the story of its journey and give a glimpse of its plans to the viewers.

You can go a step further and explain to the prospective employees how they can make a difference in the company and the society by working with them to promote a cause, participate in group events, or through volunteering.


2. Use Videos to Showcase the Company Culture

Company culture videos help attract the best talent. In addition, these videos help candidates make more informed and better career decisions. For a candidate considering working for your company, culture videos give a real insight into what it’s like to work for you.

Experts believe that a strong company culture translates to happier employees, better engagement and coordination, and higher productivity. In your recruitment videos, let the company culture take cent stage. Even before the candidates step inside the office, give them a chance to view the workspace, the people, the camaraderie, etc. On the whole, a short video on why your company is the best place to work.

Avoid animation videos; instead, use real employees and members of your leadership team to give their perspective on working in the company.

You can also create videos to explain ‘work-from-home’ and ‘remote-work’ culture to prospective employees. In this case, animation can be used to create compelling culture content to attract the right person.


3. Showcase Your Company’s Biggest Achievements

You need them as much as they need you. Hence, there is a need for companies to impress job seekers with a list of achievements.

Talented candidates want to work in companies that are famous, popular and have a great profile in the industry. Flaunting your achievements also helps you stand out and get prospective candidates excited about joining your company.

Focus on every detail, even minute ones that are often considered insignificant and unimportant. From recruitment videos, well-crafted job description, to follow-up emails, everything should show the company in a positive light.

So, create recruitment videos that show the candidates how great you are and back it up with a list of the company’s biggest achievements.


4. Explain How Working for Your Company Will Help in Career Progression

The prospect of moving forward and higher in a chosen field is always on a candidate’s mind while evaluating a job opportunity. Companies should already have a solid rotation program that focuses on soft and hard skill sets for their existing employees.

To capture the interest of the best minds, companies must spell out plans for nurturing and developing new and existing skills of employees in their recruitment videos. It isn’t enough to just mention professional development programs in the videos. Interviewers must discuss the programs and the candidate’s development prospects and opportunities during the recruitment process.


5. Produce Personal Fulfillment Videos

A candidate applying for a job in a multinational corporation doesn’t want to feel like a small fish in a big pond. Employees want to know their efforts matter to the organization, their work has an impact, and their performance is appreciated.

For candidates, a sense of fulfillment in their jobs is becoming increasingly important. The best talent would want to know they are making a visible and solid contribution to the growth of the organization. Their work is improving the department, business, and society at large.

Through recruitment videos, companies can explain to the prospective employees their role in the decision-making process. The videos must highlight how employee ideas impact the immediate team and the whole company. The company can also stress the ways and means available for employees to share their views and ideas with the management.


6. Videos that Describe the Interview Process

Sometimes the best candidates fail the interview because they don’t know what’s expected of them. According to a survey, more than 50% of all job applicants would want to know the interview process even before they send their resume/CV to the company. Knowing the details of the interview process will not only make the candidates comfortable; it’ll also boost their confidence.

As mentioned earlier, job seekers would prefer watching the video even before the job application is sent. Hence, publish the interview process video on the ‘jobs’ page of your website. You can then use website analytics tools to gather an array of information about the viewers, their location, CTR, watch time, etc.

Companies could also append the video to the follow-up emails to prepare the candidate for the interview. Videos that explain the interview process also sends out a positive message to the prospective candidates. The applicants get to know what the company wants to make the interview less stressful, so they could see the best qualities of the candidates.

Some of the points to add in the interview process video include:

  • What are the documents and materials to bring to the interview?
  • How long the interview takes?
  • Possible questions about the candidate’s background.
  • Details of the previous employer(s) and references, if any.
  • When can the candidate expect a follow-up?
  • If the company interview also includes tests or some form of evaluation, mention the process in the video.

Online video interviews are gaining popularity. Companies that use video interview software can develop videos that explain how candidates should submit their documents and respond to the questions.


7. Tap the Power of Social Media to Attract the Best Talent

Earlier, job seekers had limited reach to research the companies they were interested in. The arrival of the web and growth of the social media has changed all that. Studies show that 79% of all candidates research prospective employers on social media platforms. They also prefer using social media to find a job. The tech-savvy younger job seekers look upon favorably on companies that have a solid social media presence.

Companies too can utilize social media and the power of video content to reach the youngest and brightest of talents.Not too long ago, LinkedIn – arguably the best platform for job seekers and recruiters – allowed users to add videos. Companies can use this opportunity to post recruitment videos and connect with the best candidates on the social media platform.


Final Thoughts

More and more companies are using recruitment videos. They are becoming a big part of their overall  video marketing strategy. If you are vying for the top talent you need to go above and beyond the traditional recruiting methods, video recruitment strategies give your talent acquisition process a clear edge.

Employer Branding Boost Talent Acquisition


Author Bio: Cristian Stanciu is a freelance video editor, owner and post-production coordinator of Veedyou Media – a company offering video editing services to videographers, marketing agencies, video production studios or brands all over the globe. Catch up with him on LinkedIn

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