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The Future of RPO and Recruiting is Now

feedbackRapidly enough, you can visualize the way recruiters recruit in the future! What will influence recruiting and staffing ways? Will recruiting technology evolve, and if yes, how? Reckoning on the new technologies gradually adopted by the employers, HR professionals, and recruitment process outsourcing experts, we can have a somewhat factual picture of the same. Maybe technology that is never exploited today may find its way into the recruiters’ desks tomorrow!

It is rightly said that innovation is the key to growth and success. What Steve Miranda said ‘Get Innovative or Get Dead’ - as the opening keynote to the ERE Recruiting Innovation Summit held at Hilton San Francisco on May 14th and15th this year does hold ground for the recruiting industry! Miranda is the Managing Director for Cornell University’s “Center for Advanced Human Resource Studies” (CAHRS). Yes, recruiters who stay innovative, adapting to positive change, can experience win-win situations in the future and sustain in a competitive scenario.

Yes, recruiting woes aren’t new for the virtual recruiter, employer, and HR professional alike. New technology solutions are increasingly being looked at for enhancing recruiting efficiencies significantly. And the tempo of technological improvement continues.

Here are four top recruiting and staffing ways that will gain big momentum in the future:

Social Recruiting
No online platforms has gained as impetus as social media. According to a survey, 1 in 6 job seekers acknowledges social media for finding a more opportunistic and lucrative job. Another survey has ranked social media as the fourth highest sourcing channel for recruiters. Jobsite assessed the recruiting scenario and found 97 percent of recruiters browsing LinkedIn, 66 percent Facebook, and 54 percent twitter for sourcing top notch talents. And the future of recruiting is indeed social media. No wonder recruitment process outsourcing companies and staffing firms alike will devise innovative tools and strategies to benefit more from social media.

Video Interviewing
Video conferencing is already a buzz in the corporate circle today and video interviewing is gradually taking its stand in the recruiting segment. Connecting personally, face-to-face online, thus cutting down on process is the wave of the future. Yes, employers, staffing agencies, and recruitment process outsourcing companies alike may include video interview as part and parcel of the hiring process in the future. It is said ‘first impression is the last impression’. The interviewer can know in less time whether the candidate is right for the targeted job. Big savings on hiring costs and time would be the biggest advantage!

Data Integration
What is also gradually happening, as an innovative measure to recruiting, is data integration wherein people’s multiple profiles are combined into one. The future won’t see the virtual recruiter manually transfer files or program FTP file transfers. Fast and effortless integration of data between various RPO and HR functions and seamless integration of every recruiting process would enhance recruiting efficiencies significantly. Evidently the virtual recruiter has to be equipped with the skills of a programmer for smooth data integration! Remapping data would then be easy. An example of current usage of data integration system is Klout; more innovative and developed systems will find usage in the near future

Innovative Cloud Environment
Cloud is a familiar terminology in the recruiting and other industries. What is now a real-time communication network involving use of multiple computers or workstations for maximizing the effectiveness of shared resources would see a more developed mechanism in the future! Recruitment process outsourcing companies would use a more innovative cloud environment for integration of multiple applications, allowing seamless transfer of information between applications.


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