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10 HR Strategies to Skyrocket Employee Productivity in Your Organization


Still second-guessing why your employee productivity rate is dropping with time? Well, there could be a list of multitude of reasons. Some of the common reasons according to research include workers using social media during working hours, employees worrying more about their finances and job, and employees feel constant burnouts at workplace


And that’s just the start of the list. There are multiple other reasons why you may be losing on precious employee productivity.

And, let’s not forget that maybe you’re thinking about employee productivity from your perspective but not from a general perspective.

So, what does employee productivity mean?

What is Employee Productivity?

Employee productivity is a term that is used by organizations to assess the efficiency of workers at the workplace. It will include the number of hours, days and months of employee input being assessed to know what went into the completion of a certain company goal.

The Importance of Employee Productivity

Now that we understand what it means, it is time to look into crucial reasons why employee productivity is important for any organization.

Firstly, productive employees take a lot of effort to make customers happy. They will focus on improving their experience with the business and ensure there are no complaints about the service in general.

Secondly, productive employees work through their goals that ultimately help an organization achieve its initial goals. From happier customers to improved profits, productive employees bring it all.

And lastly, a productive workforce is a sign of happier employees. They are giving their all to your organization because they like being a part of it. These happy employees become brand advocates for future candidates who might consider joining you.

In a nutshell, it is crucial for you to focus on improving employee productivity if you've seen a dip in it over the past few months.

10 HR Strategies to Increase Employee Productivity

Given how crucial it is to improve employee productivity, we’ve listed out 10 tried and tested HR strategies that are likely to yield results in your favor. Let’s check them out below!

1. Commitment-building plans

We firmly believe that growth and stability are crucial to any employee as they become a part of an organization. They need to have something to look forward to. And, your commitment-building plans might help them see what’s in store for them. Here’s what you can do:

  • Create a career growth path
  • Let them know what’s in store for their loyalty
  • Constantly give feedback that encourages them to grow

2. Ensure employee comfort

Employees can be sensitive to the fact that the organization isn’t taking the right measures to help them settle. This is true in the case of both existing and new employees. Therefore, take efforts to offer comfort to employees where possible. Try the following for starters:

  • Introduce emergency leave policy
  • Take them out for team outings to bond with others
  • Schedule fun games at workplace to ease the tension

3. Maintain a happy and contented workforce

Just because your employees are happy now, doesn’t mean they’ll be happy in the long run. Therefore, your efforts to keep your employees happy should be consistent. Here’s what you can do:

  • Remember their special days
  • Encourage constant encouragement and praises to keep them float

4. Performing employee appraisals

Your employees will give their 100% if they know that they are getting the appraisal they deserve. Simply applauding them for their efforts and giving them praises in the team won’t suffice their productivity longer. They need to be rewarded appraisals as per their performance to keep them productive.

5. Focus on the company's goals and objectives

There are times when employees join an organization because they were impressed by what the company wishes to achieve in the long run. If you lose focus from that, your employees will lose productivity as a result. That’s why it is crucial that you stay true to your goals always.

6. Meeting optimization

Address the issue of having multiple meetings with the managers. Let them know that they need to think of the output and only think about discussing things 1:1 if the output isn’t what they asked for. Having less meetings means employees will get more time to execute along with planning.

7. Establish clear expectations and deadlines

Want all your employees to have clear expectations from their job roles and work deadlines? Document it all. Create an employee handbook that helps you set clear job role expectations for all employees hassle-free. This way you’ll have less questions coming your way and save your time as well.

8. Modernize technology and tools

Don’t just depend on excel or email chains to help you get the work done. Upgrade your employee’s work stack so they can work more productively. Introduce a help desk system for the sales and support team or project management tool like Asana or to track all the activities performed by all the teams.

9. Scheme for employee incentives

Sometimes your employees seek a holistic experience at your workplace. Simply giving them an awesome package may not suffice as other companies offer incentives too. You can try offering:

  • Reimbursement for internet and phone services
  • Bonus for performing extremely well over the span of a quarter or a year
  • Regularizing team outings

10. Training and development programs

And lastly, don’t forget to help employees upgrade their skills at your workplace. This will help you make them productive, true. But it will also help you retain them in the long run. Having a training manual is crucial for employees to process jobs and perform tasks. It is an integral part of employee training.

How to Track Employee Productivity?

With these 10 employee productivity strategies, you can ensure that this rate skyrockets through your company ceilings. But to track this productivity, you need to take a few extra measures. Here’s our top three favorites.

1. Keeping track of their goals

You need to keep a track of all the work that has been assigned to your employees over a period. This will help you understand whether it is the work pressure or any other factor that is affecting their work productivity. Also, try to track what work goals they have set for themselves. This will help you assess their work dedication as well.

2. Assess their quality of work

Are they submitting their work within the deadline? Are they adhering to the guidelines provided to them before they started the assigned task? If the answer is no, you can expect their work quality to not be up to the mark. But if yes, it means they’ve put in a lot of effort to adhere to all the conditions to submit the work that has reached you.

3. Review the completed work

Finally, you should review the amount of work they’ve finished during the given time. Assess it based on their quality and quantity along with the time spent. This will help you understand whether they were productive or not while completing this task.

Final Thoughts

We are sure that you are likely to boost employee productivity given how simple it is to boost and assess it with easy measures. Just follow the strategies to see your employee productivity skyrocket!

keeping the team engaged after layoffs

About the Author: Mariia is a self-employed freelance writer and a marketing professional with a genuine dedication to sharing the latest news and updates on technology, business, and marketing. As the proud owner of, a highly reputable marketing platform, Mariia offers top-notch solutions to marketers. Her passion for business is evident in her engaging writing style, making her a trusted source of information in the industry.

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