
Yoh & HRO Today Release 2015 WORKER CONFIDENCE INDEX Study

Crybaby_Business_Man-508853-editedYoh has embarked on a study, in cooperation with HRO Today, to determine how employees feel about job security. The Worker Confidence Index Study is a quarterly survey of employees that can help companies gauge how employees are feeling about their jobs. But more importantly, perhaps it’s a leading indicator of whether or not employees will stay on the job (or, listen to job offers from other companies).

Released in February, the HRO Today study has been updated for Q2 of 2015. In the early stages of this year-long survery, some interesting trends have started to surface.

In general, the survey is about perceived employment security. In the survey, we ask about involuntary job loss, the likelihood of a promotion, the anticipation of a raise (of at least three percent) and overall trust in company leadership.

To learn more download the complete report and look for the next update to give you an idea where things are heading. And, read Managing Millennials to learn ways to motivate the younger generation which inlcludes key findings from the Worker Confidence Index Study.



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