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Why Almost 80% of Employed Americans are Not Considering a Job Change During COVID-19

Confused business man trapped in a circular maze

For job seekers and those looking for a career change, the COVID-19 outbreak has caused panic, hesitation, and, for many, an unwillingness to change jobs. In a new survey of nearly 1,000 full and part-time employed Americans, we asked how COVID-19 has affected their views on their current employer?


Covid-19 Causing Panic Among Job Seekers

The reason for such hesitation in the job market can be found in some of our survey results. In fact, (69%) of respondents said they don't think they would be able to find a new job during the COVID-19 outbreak. Since so many people do not believe they could find a job, it is not surprising that (78%) of employed Americans said they would not even consider a job change during the pandemic.


Affect on Different age groups

More experienced Americans, those aged 35-54, are less hopeful about job opportunities as (72%) said they don't think they could find a job in the current market. Interestingly, both the younger, 18-24 and older, 55+, populations are a bit more hopeful as about (65%) did not think they would find a job during the COVID-19 outbreak.

Watch the video below and check out the infographic for a summary of the survey:



Yoh_CovidInfographic2_V1E-page-001 (1)


What's Next

States are slowly starting to reopen, and job opportunities are slowly becoming available, but employers must take steps toward ensuring employee safety and job security. For recruiters and HR, it will be extra challenging to bring in new talent, so it is important to think outside the box during this unique time. Managers also must work harder to make a positive change in their community and make sure their openings are more visible and available.


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