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Welcome to the New Yoh

The_New_Yoh2This past week we rolled out a brand new Yoh. The first thing you will notice, if you were familiar with the ‘old’ Yoh is that the look and feel is radically different. But the change is so much more than just the nuance of the design (and by the way it looks great on all devices, so be sure to check us out on your mobile or tablet). The change represents the responsibility that we feel we have to the marketplaces we serve and the individuals whose careers we impact.

When we as a company came together to evaluate how to improve the manner in which we were communicating to both the clients that use our workforce solutions and the professionals that we place, we took a look across the industry as a whole to see how these two distinctly different communities were being served. What we found is that the communications, the content, the recommendations, the insight was, to be kind, a little boring. It was almost as if there was some unspoken status quo that dictated to the masses that information related to any aspect of the talent acquisition process should be tired, stale, and bland.   While there wasn’t too much surprise about the manner in which the marketplace shared and communicated information when a single snapshot of all current digital and social properties were put together there was shock over just how stoic and boring the whole thing looked.


That is the one question we were forced to address. Why is this the case? After all talent acquisition is ultimately about people. No matter how you slice it, no matter what level of process detail that we may be examining, talent acquisition’s single common denominator is people. No two are the same, yet we found ourselves in an industry that treated people (on both the client and the candidate side) as if there were little to no difference in how they approached their talent acquisition, or how they went about guiding their career choices. Collectively up and down the Yoh organization, across our clients and candidates we all agreed that this is perhaps one of the most dynamic industries that has ever existed or will ever exist.   It was time to treat it as such.

This was the driving force behind the change. To inject the appropriate level of energy, and more importantly, to drive an appropriate level of useful information into the discussions that make up both sides of the talent equation. We set out to create not a digital brochure, but a destination. And that is what we hope that you will find here. A destination that you visit frequently in order to stay informed, to learn something new, to gain new ideas, connect with peers, network with the right community, or to get some assistance in helping you make a decision.

In order to accomplish this and to deliver the market a valuable resource and candidates an unmatched source of inspiration and guidance, we will be moving forward with the following in mind:


We believe that you are the final arbiter of the decisions that matter most to your business success or your career development. Regardless of whether or not Yoh ultimately plays a part in either. Don’t get us wrong, we want to be the ones to serve you, but that will not drive the manner in which we share our insight and knowledge. We have a way of doing things and we’re going to share them with you because it will help you make your decisions. We’ll juxtapose them with alternatives, not to bash the alternatives, but to give you that valuable side by side comparison that makes evaluation easy. We will publish as much as we can as frequently as we can and do our best to offer up as much data and objective information as possible.


This new approach will be editorial in nature. Month to month our main area of focus will change. One month you’ll find a predominance of content directed towards let’s say the video game industry, the next month Recruitment Process Outsourcing or some other service will take center stage.   What we hope you will find is something that we have the good fortune of knowing to be true because we are dealing in it every day; these differing and varying areas of our business so frequently complement one another. Great processes found in a high volume managed staffing program frequently have applicability for the organization that is sourcing single contracted members of the staff. Considerations that a technology professional has over where they should invest their networking time are similar to anyone seeking to expand their reach in their individual talent community no matter what the makeup of the community. Our editorial approach will provide you with access to information you might not ordinarily consider, and we are certain that you will find it both interesting and valuable.


While we do value the expertise that we have in house and invest in the cumulative experience that we have gained over the many decades that we have been in this business, we also know there is always room for more input. The new Yoh will be collaborative. You’ll find here the Yoh All Stars, which put faces and names to the world of working in a freelance or contracted approach. You will gain access to insight from people like Aaron Brown who have made a career of helping you make the right choices for yours. And you will have access to the impact and hiring trends that are being impacted by key factors in your industry.   But mostly, you will have an opportunity to join the discussion and provide your feedback, insight, and perspective.

This is what we are setting out to do and we hope that you’ll join us on the journey. Let us know what you think by dropping in a comment, come back frequently, and if you are so inclined sends us an email with your thoughts.

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