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Trending IT Skills for Better Job Opportunities After the Coronavirus Pandemic

Blue vivid image of globe. Globalization concept. Elements of this image are furnished by NASA-1The world of IT has always been a great one to enter to find the jobs that you want. Many companies need qualified IT professionals to help protect against cyberattacks, help them build the right software and applications, and ensure that they can sort through all of the data they collect.

With the pandemic closing many companies, even IT professionals find that they need to update their skills to stand out from the crowd. If you are looking for some of the best career opportunities after the coronavirus pandemic, then take a look at these trending IT skills that will help you get there.


Cybersecurity is an essential aspect of any business. If they have sensitive data of their own or for their customers, they need an IT professional with cybersecurity skills to handle any potential threats or attacks.

Even as budgets are tightening after Covid-19, cybersecurity is one area that can’t be ignored. The digital world is a vast playground, and failure to keep the network safe can mean an instant attack. The loss of money and reputation for not maintaining the proper cybersecurity can be disastrous.

Knowing how to handle cybersecurity for a business as efficiently as possible can put you in high demand. Many companies may realize the need for cybersecurity to start with, and others may allow more employees to work from home to amp up their current network security.


Cloud Computing

Many people found they were able to work from home during the pandemic. While some are anxious to get back to work and out of the house, there are still a good deal of them who are happy to stay home and continue working from there.

Companies have found that they have happier employees and more productivity when these employees can work from home. But to facilitate this work, cloud computing will be used. A good cloud computing system will allow employees both at the worksite and off to work together safely.

Due to this massive increase in the need for cloud computing, it is estimated that cloud architects and cloud administrators will be two of the top recession-proof IT jobs in the future. This will be one of the few jobs that does not see a drop in employees after the pandemic.


Data Analytics and Data Science

Data is so vital to many companies. When used well, they can learn the different trends in their industry, make accurate predictions about how a product will perform, and beat out their competition.

Companies can easily gather information from social media, current customers, and website visits, but the problems show up when analyzing all that data. When there are millions of data points with more coming in each day, it is hard to figure out what is being shown in the data accurately.

A data scientist can effectively go through all the data and find the answers for companies. They know how to move the data around, manipulate it, and analyze it to develop clear patterns and pictures for the company.

It doesn’t do a company much good to have all the data without a data analyst to look it all over. Because of the high value these individuals can present to a company; they will find ample growth opportunities in the next few years.


Software Development

We will also see that the job market for software development will grow much faster than other types of IT jobs. Software developer jobs are expected to go up by 21% by 2028. The reason for this growth is due to a higher demand for computer software and mobile phone apps.

Despite the growing need for these professionals, many IT departments do not have the necessary skills to get it all done. This will leave many companies looking for individuals who can step up and do the development for them.

If you are an IT professional who can make applications and software, there will likely be plenty of good, high-paying jobs for you to take in the next few years.


AI and Machine Learning

When you want to stand out from the crowd and have a skill that is in demand, then you need to learn how to use AI and machine learning effectively. Both of these are shaping the world of IT, and those who can present themselves as experts can lead the crowd.

It is predicted that the AI market alone will see a 12.3% increase in growth year over year. While this is a little bit slower than it has done in the past, it is still a steady rate that you can jump in on.

Machine learning and AI can make a difference in how well a company will function, but it is sometimes hard to get training. With so many aspects moving to use both of these skills if you have one or the other, or both, you will be able to get the job you want.


Choosing Your Skills in the World of IT

When looking to find a career in the IT field after the pandemic, it is essential to know what you are looking for. Some IT jobs are experiencing a downturn, and qualified professionals cannot keep their jobs because of all the budget cuts.

However, not all aspects of IT are suffering from this problem. Those with the most in-demand skills are finding there are a ton of great opportunities available. Now is the time to work on those skills and brush up that resume with some of the trending IT skills so they can get those fantastic job opportunities after the coronavirus pandemic.

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About the Author: Gabe Nelson is a content specialist of over 7 years of experience, currently working with He has a passion and keen understanding when it comes to the HR and recruitment industry. He has written hundreds of content pieces in numerous niches. Currently, he lives in Missouri with his wife and kids.

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