
Top 10 Job Search Trends for 2018

Man_with_Megaphone_Yoh_Blog.jpgWhen it comes to job hunting, the trick is to capitalize on current trends while showcasing your individual character, values and skills. Because, let's face it, looking for a job can be a dog-eat-dog world.

Today, employees want more than to just earn a living, but to prosper and climb the career ladder as well. With opportunity for advancement limited, this makes the business environment highly competitive.





Focus on these trends to understand more about the art of job searching in 2018:


1. STEM Jobs Expansion Has Grown by 17%

When it comes to seeking employment, many people crave jobs that provide opportunities to climb the career ladder and achieve individual success. While most workers rely on their background and knowledge, it's important to know where your field ranks in terms of growth. Recent surveys prove that STEM jobs expansion is growing year-over-year, which means the need for qualified workers in this niche will just keep increasing.

Tip: If you're a college student and selecting a field of study or want to start your career over again, pay attention to the fact that STEM is in demand.


2. Cloud and Distributed Computing are Top Skills

When employers look for candidates, they often place more weight on an applicant's theoretical knowledge, experience, and personal skills, things that are rarely taught at a university. They may consider the importance of these variables even higher than a degree; depending on the position being filled.

Nowadays, recruiters want their potential employees to be good at cloud and distributed computing as these skills are important for building a career and achieving company's goals.

Tip: Keep up with career trends and develop top skills to stay competitive.


3. 65% of Recruiters claim Talent Shortage is the Biggest Challenge in Hiring

If you believe that your job experience and knowledge are enough to get a job, we have bad news for you. Many employers are looking for more. They want their employees to have talents outside of their industry and field, as it could be an indicator that you have better ability for growth.

Tip: Theoretical knowledge is great, but you need to keep on improving your talents and learning to achieve career success.


4. 48% of Businesses Confess their Quality Hires Come from Employee Referrals

It goes without saying that employers want to hire qualified and experienced employees who can help their business grow. Thus, they're looking for reliable candidates whose knowledge and experience can be a good fit for the job position.

While it's hard to understand whether a person will fit the position well through a CV and interview, recruiters prefer to hire people from other employees' referrals. In other words, word-of-mouth can go a long way.

Tip: Be that person that everyone gets along with. Show them that you're a start at what you do and ask them for recommendations.


5. 79% of Candidates Use Social Media For Job Searching

Do you remember when using social media was nothing but private communication?

Those days are long gone. Today we know the power of social media, so we use these platforms for building our brand awareness, establishing business contacts, and getting hired!

HR statistics prove 67% of job seekers found their most recent job on Facebook. For a variety of reasons, recruiters use social media to find potential applicants, and now is your chance to seize the opportunity.

Tip: Optimize your social media accounts for job searching. Take down the inappropriate photos of you and your college buddies!


6. 32% of Candidates Search Career Sites

You don't have to leave your cozy bed to apply for a job. More and more people use career sites to find the job of their dream, and it's comfortable indeed!

Career-specific job sites can help increase the chances of finding a job that will suit your needs and expectations. Taking the time to search for these sites and submitting your CV will help attract potential clients and employers so you can land the job interview.

Tip: Keep your CV updated and never forget to surf for job sites relevant to your industry for new openings.


7. The Average Job Opening Attracts 250 Resumes

Most people are looking for the next best position. The average job opening attracts 250 resumes! Continuously developing your skills will help you gain the competitive edge and combined with an eye-catching resume that highlights your strengths will make you stand out from the crowd, and prove that you're the perfect candidate for the job.

Tip: Seek out ways to make your resume and cover letter grab the recruiter's attention. You might need to think outside the box!


8. 60% of Potential Candidates Quit a Job Application Process because of Its Length

When you start looking for a job, you want to know about the company as much as possible to understand whether you want to work for them or not. Right?

The same goes with employers. They don't want to hire people who won't quit the job in just a few months. Therefore, often times the long application form will be used to try and collect as much information about you as the employer can.

Tip: To stay one step ahead of other candidates, get ready for fulfilling long application forms even though it may take more time and effort.


9. 41% of Employers Schedule Job Interviews via Text

You've sent a CV, now your waiting for an interview invitation. But do you know that 41% of employers invite potential employees via text messages? If you don't want to miss an opportunity, you need to stay mobile and check your phone and email often. HR departments are using new technology every day to schedule interviews, including text messages. Just don't check for these messages while you're driving!

Tip: Turning on notifications on your phone might help you not miss an important text with the job interview invitation. Stay up-to-date on the features and technology your phone offers as software is constantly changing.


10. 37% of HRs Agree that Recruiting More Diverse Candidates is a Future Trend

More and more HR departments are putting more emphasis on finding diverse candidates. With more qualified candidates on the market, staying competitive is a must. Painting a full, accurate picture of yourself and qualifications will help HRs understand fully the type of candidate you truly are.

Tip: Develop various skills to stay a well-rounded candidate with in-depth knowledge.



Searching for a job has never been easy and will continue to be a challenge as the landscape evolves and changes. To stand out from your competitors, stay current on the trends in the job market and understand the best ways and places for reaching your next potential employer.


Hugh Beaulac is a recent grad. He manages the MC2 blog and enjoys sharing his knowledge of making the most out of the digital era to help his readers nail their dream job.

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