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The Top Questions to Ask at the End of an Interview

GettyImages-1177284010Regardless of whether you’re looking for the first job of your life or intending to transition to a more lucrative position, if you leave an interview without asking anything, you might be sending the wrong message all together.

It's important to start and end the interview on a high note. By asking the appropriate questions, you convey the message that you’ve done your homework and have come preparedWithout doing so, the potential employer may have the impression that you’re not really that interested or you might just be window-shopping.

The Top Questions to Ask at the End of An Interview

So how do you help seal the deal? Try incorporating one or more of the following questions at the end of your interview. By doing so, you'll not only pique the manager's interest, but could open up the doors to post-interview follow-up. 


Can you elaborate on the responsibilities?

If you’re upbeat about getting the job, knowing well in advance about the organization you’ll be working for will stand you in good stead when you take charge. Alternatively, learning about the role (as much as possible) inside out gives you the chance to explore whether this is something you’d prefer to do. Even if you don’t make it, the insight will at least come in handy when you apply fresh for a new position.


What are the professional skills and the level of experience needed of the ideal candidate?

Becoming familiar with the requisite skills and the relevant professional experience for the job position will give you the opportunity to compare the same with yours. If recruitment is going to take some time, say a couple of months, you could pick up at least a couple of skills in this span of time. Knowing about the company’s work culture and the responsibilities that you might be required to fulfill for the position you’ve applied for will give you a fair idea on whether you’ll be able to fit yourself in the firm.  


What will you expect from me in the first 2-3 months?

Your potential employer’s expectations from you as far as the advertised position is concerned, will depend upon many factors. For instance, if the position you’ll be working for contributes greatly towards the overall growth and development of the company, naturally the employer will expect you to start delivering as soon as possible. However, his or her expectations from you will also be influenced by what you bring to the table i.e. your inherent and acquired capabilities as well as your past professional experience. 


Can you describe the company’s organizational culture?

Bear in mind that you’ll be spending close to 8-9 hours every day in the organization. Consider what it is you need from the organization that will inspire you to pull yourself out of your bed every morning and work. All well-known companies are reputed for harboring a constructive work culture which offer opportunities for career growth. 


Where will the company be five years from now?

You’ll need to assure yourself that the organization is registering continuous growth if you’re thinking of gathering a few years of experience in the applied position.


What are the opportunities and the challenges faced by the company or the department?

There can be several versions of answers to the above question. If your interviewer is a HR manager, he or she’ll most likely tell you about the challenges faced by the department in recruiting the right candidates. And if your interviewer happens to be the employer himself, then you’ll most probably get an overall perspective (about the opportunities and challenges confronting the business). Either way, you’ll have some idea on how much these professionals are in touch with reality.


How have I fared in relation to the rest of the applicants interviewed for this position?

It might be too premature for the interviewer to give you an honest answer as he may still be in the process of forming opinions about candidates. So, asking this question could make him feel awkward. Nevertheless, whether you should go ahead with the question or not will to a great extent depend on the quality of rapport you’ve created (with the interviewer) in the limited span of time.


Could you tell me something about your best moment in the company so far?

This is a crucial question and the answer to it will greatly influence your decision whether you want to be associated with the organization or not.


What is one reason why I may not be considered for the job?

This is one question that allows you to be assertive without sounding aggressive. What the interviewer says will enable you to figure out about the doubts he or she may have about you and his or her level of confidence in you.


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About the Author: Laura Carter is a former educator and now academic writing and higher education dissertation writing service blog and follow her to see more from her.

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