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The Big Data Invasion on the Staffing Industry

Big data is the popular term used to describe both structured and unstructured data that is so big, and moves so fast that it’s difficult to process using traditional processing techniques. Big data can provide valuable information and can allow companies to instantly learn who did what, when they did it, and where it was done. 


Big data isn’t just a fad. It is something you need to be aware of if you want to stay competitive in the ever changing market. Big data can be leveraged to innovate and compete and has the potential to become the basis of growth for a company. While the value of this data for workforce optimization is very much a work in progress, the power of the data is limitless. Not convinced? Think about how many data points your company collects from social media, applicant tracking systems, payrolling and operations. Now ask yourself, how is your organization leveraging that data? 



You don’t need to be a data scientist to know there’s a skills gap. We already know we are experiencing a shortage of talent for the positions we need to fill today, now we are facing a problem filling positions tomorrow, especially when we are talking about the talent necessary to take advantage of big data’s business transforming potential. By 2018, experts predict the United States will be facing a shortage of up to 190,000 people possessing deep analytical skills and a shortage of 1.5 million managers and analysts with the skills to use big data effectively.


Today, not only is access to data is critical, but the speed at which your organization is able to gather and interrupt it. Recruitment industry trends all point to the Human Resource department as the likely hub for mining through the data; i.e. selecting the right software system, developing unique algorithms, analyzing patterns, etc.

The problem is that HR folks traditionally are not number crunchers. For big data to work for recruiting and staffing purposes, organizations must identify whether or not they have the right technology and the right talent to access the information in the most meaningful way.


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