You might be on vacation, but your business isn’t. Things may be slow right now, but you know they are going to pick up as soon as you get back to the office. Summer is the perfect time for you to take inventory of your resources and start preparing for the critical end of year projects just a few months away. You know the best people for the job are the most difficult to find. If you wait to start staffing your end of year projects until the end of the year, chances are you are going to have to make compromises. You may have to settle for less than outstanding talent that will result in missed timelines and poor results. Start staffing now.
Make your staffing partner aware of your goals. Set expectations. Let them know where you have fallen short in the past. Let them know where you need to go. Your staffing partner should be able to put together a plan to get you there. Remember, the best candidates are hard to find because they are working. A true staffing partner will tell you who is available, and who is going to be available before they hit the market. Your time is valuable. Your work is important. Start your interviewing now before it is too late.