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5 Reasons You Need RPO Now (and This Upcoming Webinar)

Older_Couple_Blog.jpgIt’s no secret: recruiting is difficult. We think it’s gotten harder (and it has) but really it’s always been about recruiting the right way and utilizing different recruiting strategies for different types of hires. If you’ve considered Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO), but not taken the plunge, here are five quick reasons you should (and also why you should attend our upcoming webinar).

Reason #1: Passive candidates are still gold 

It’s hard to find them (and they know it) and you probably have a bunch of different types of positions to hire for. RPO can focus on high volume or hard-to-find, while you work on other jobs or other priorities. Recruiting for different positions requires different recruiting strategies. That’s more true than ever with the competition for passive candidates.


Reason #2: Job boards are a thing of the past

Even the job boards that are still around are way beyond being just job boards and simply posting jobs in a million places. It’s about social media and employment brand and employing the right recruiting strategies for the jobs you need to fill. If you think you’re going to post your way to success, you should think again.


Reason #3: It’s difficult in the current economic climate to get buy in for big investments in HR

RPO is no longer a big, enterprise-wide proposition. It can be used in conjunction with other recruiting strategies to help focus your other recruiting or HR efforts. Don’t be afraid to suggest and look for a more limited investment in a few recruiting strategies, like RPO. You need more than one to be successful.


Reason #4: Your internal process has competing priorities

Whether it’s the demands of HR in general, or demanding hiring managers, you will always have to juggle priorities. With RPO, you can focus where you want to and leave the sourcing or recruiting to the RPO provider.


Reason #5: Most successful talent acquisition professionals know when and how to use RPO

Knowing various recruiting strategies and how to leverage them is in the tool kit of every talent acquisition professional. If you’ve used it, you know; if you haven’t, you should.

So, there you have it. Those are five quick reasons why you need RPO right now (and in the future). Join us for our upcoming webinar, “Is RPO the best talent acquisition strategy for you?” and find out more.

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