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Podcast: Ford Motor Company’s Scott Monty on social media, corporate branding, and succession planning

Social Media is a topic we have covered here at The Seamless Workforce a number of times. It impacts so much of the corporate world (not to mention our everyday lives), that we feel compelled to understand and share the impact that it also has on the workforce.

With that in mind, it is my pleasure to introduce Scott Monty. Scott Monty is the Global Digital & Multimedia Communications Manager for Ford Motor Company. Ford is one of the foremost business-to-consumer social media practitioners, and one of the most efficient when it comes to representing their brand and communicating with their customer base online.

Ford has outperformed their domestic competitors recently, and it is my guess that you have a generally positive perception of their brand. This is no mistake. Ford's integrated social media strategies connect with the marketplace far more than do the traditional automobile manufacturing methods of quick cut video and attractive financing options. Ford nurtures relationships with their marketplace, and their vehicles adopt the personalities of those most likely to purchase them.

This success has made it logical for us to tap Scott for some insight into the impact that social media tools and evolving digital communications have on some workforce basics. In the following podcast, Scott discusses the importance of personal brand development and how organizations ought to offer guidelines to help employees accentuate the corporate brand.

Scott also touches on the attributes that help identify which employees are best suited to publicly represent the brand, and recommended approaches to succession planning, as far as more visible members of the workforce are concerned.

Thanks again to Scott for sharing his time and thoughts with us. For more of his perspectives on the implications of social media, be sure to follow him on Twitter or visit his blog, The Social Media Marketing Blog.


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