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Leadership by relationship: Are you on the right path?

Attracting-Retaining-TopLeadership doesn’t have a single, direct route to success. There are many variable factors involved in the process of becoming a positive leader. So whilst there’s no be all and end all formula, there is certainly a way to construct an individual environment whereby a leadership culture can be created, thus allowing you to be the instrumental and charismatic visionary to all those in your team and beyond. The key to doing so? Relationships.

Many will tell you that to be a great manager, you have to be disconnected, cold and clinical. Investing in your people is the foundation for any effective management plan – finding out who they are, what motivates them, encouraging them to talk openly to you without fear of backlash or management reprimand.

Here are three leadership skills to start applying to your management style today. 

1. Learn to Listen
Having people feel they can talk to you is one of the biggest factors of being a leader. That in mind then, you have to not only encourage them to converse with you, but then you also have to listen. Take in what they say, derive from it what you need and act upon these findings.

2. Empathize with People 
Often the gap between ‘management’ and those in your team is created by a lack of empathy on either side. Understand their situation, know them well enough to know why certain tasks trouble them and work on development together, formulating an agreed plan of action.

3. Schedule Time to Celebrate
It’s easy to forget amongst all the hard work that even small successes should be celebrated and praised. Use them to bring them team together, and always be quick to credit those that have contributed to the accomplishment. Highlight individuals, but make sure the prosperity of the team is properly emphasised as well.

Are you on your way to good leadership through positive relationships? These few tips will ensure you’re setting the perfect foundation upon which you may build a culture in your workplace, a symbiotic, confluent equilibrium that allows the team to function together as a unit under the guidance that you have disseminated throughout your people by an investment into individual relationships.

This article was written by Sean McPheat, MD of MTD Training; management training experts that know not only how to prime you for management success, but also how to ensure you become the best leader you can be.

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